Pictures From Europe From When I Student Taught in England and Traveled

Anja and Me

Anja and I on my last night at the school in Wolverhampton, England- April 2, 2004.

Joy and Me

Joy and I on my last night at the school- April 2, 2004.

Me in my room

Me in my room in the boarding house at the school I student taught at in Wolverhampton, England- 2004.

Capri, Italy

Me on the island of Capri in Italy- February 2004.

Me and Erin

Me and Erin on top of Aurthur's Seat in Edinburgh, Scotland- March 2004. It was very windy!

Me and Erin being gansters

Me and Erin pretending to be gangsters when I visted Erin and Nick up in Glasgow, Scotland- March 2004.

Me in Oxford

Me in my hotel room in Oxford- March 2004.

Me in Christ Church Hall

Me in Christ Church Hall in Oxford, England- March 2004. Harry Potter was filmed on these steps.

Me at the Roman Baths

Me at the Roman Baths in Bath, England- April 2004.

Us at the Roman Baths

Me, my mom, and two of my aunts at the Roman Baths in Bath, England- April 2004.


My 2 aunts, me, and my mom eating in Bath, England- April 2004.

Me on top of the Eiffel Tower

Me on top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France- April 2004.

Me in Paris

Me in Paris- April 2004.

Me on top of the Arc de Triumph

Me on top of the Arc de Triumph with the Eiffel Tower in the background- Paris, France- April 2004.

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