Well, fancy that. Someone is actually interested enough to visit this page.
(big grin)
Well, I hope you weren't expecting anything too personal! I have too paranoid a personality to disclose much about myself here in the open forum of the World Wide Web.
But since you have taken the time to look here, I will explain why I have this urge to host my own web-site.
I have a curious mind. I also refuse to let the whole technological revolution pass by me without rising to the challenge. Anything that stimulates my mind, causes intrigue, and offers amazing learning experiences is just the thing to take my fancy. First it was computers, then it was the Internet. Recently one of my friends told me she was creating her own web-page, and the first thing that went through my mind was "how do you do that?" So I had a look, and was confronted by this new language called html, which of course I had to conquer. And here I am.
Your next question, no doubt, is "What made you choose the Theme?". Well, it is a reflection on who I am, why I am the person I am, what defines my personality.
When I was much younger, I was drawn into the Star Trek world, it's simple yet complex ideology of what our future could hold for us made me optimistic as I looked forward at my own destiny. Gene's depiction of equality and perception of humanity cheered and encouraged me.
As an avid reader, I also became fascinated by Sherlock Holmes and his logical way of thinking. I drew personal comparisons between Sherlock and Spock many times. My passion for Science Fiction, Time Travel and Mystery-genre grew as I matured. I wanted my mind to be constantly on the go, never stagnant, always developing. I embraced The Next Generation, then Quantum Leap caught my eye. It encompassed science fiction, time travel and mystery.
But as all good things come to an end, so did my favourite television shows. I went into a type of mourning over this loss, and was looking around for something else to fill this gap. I had heard, in passing, about a new show called "The X-Files", but was under the impression that it was one of those awful documentary type shows, like "The Extra-Ordinary", which over-dramatize (using eerie music, bad lighting and slow re-enactments) the weird things people can experience. Don't get me wrong, I don't doubt the experiences, I just don't like the format of these shows.
Then, one day, while sharing life stories and a Scotch on the Rocks with another dear friend, she turned to me and asked me why I didn't watch this "X-Files". I responded as I did above. She laughed at this point, and told me that this new show would definitely appeal to me. I owe this special friend a huge huge huge favour for this encouragement (and to be truthful - she has never let me forget this!!!) So we sat down the next Wednesday evening, and tuned in. The episode was "The List", which wasn't the best episode to watch as my first, but it caught my attention enough that I tuned in again the following week. Luckily "2Shy" was right up my alley, and I enjoyed this episode immensely.
By the time "Syzygy" was aired, I had started to tape the episodes so that I could watch them again the next day, realising that the underlying themes weren't always as obvious as first suspected, and a repeat viewing was necessary to decipher these concepts. The more I re watched an episode, the more involved I became in the X-Files world, and my friends, family and peers where starting to show concern over my obsession!.
Little did they know.
The real 'obsession' started later. I wasn't keeping these tapes at this point, taping over the episode the following week. Season Three finished, and to my delight, Season Two was re-run. After watching 'Duane Barry' and 'Ascension' I knew I was totally addicted to the show.
At this point, Gillian Anderson was doing a promotional tour here in Australia, and I caught a radio interview with her on Fox FM with Martin-Malloy, and was very impressed with her sense of humour and description of the characters. The day after "Red Museum" was aired, the first X-Files video was released here - "The Unanswered File" (Anasazi et all), which I purchased as an early Christmas Present. I sat down with my Scotch-drinking friend and we watched the entire three episodes. When it finished, I turned to her and said "I have to HAVE the entire show on tape now". This was the turning point in my addiction-obsession with all things 'X'.
I now have every episode (except Grotesque) on tape, and watch them frequently. This show is an enigma on it's own. Quality production, brilliant writing and plots (I am purposely ignoring "Space" here), intriguing mythology arc, and two absolutely amazing characters.
In my opinion, they epitomize the perfect role-models in relation to equality, dedication to a cause, professionalism (well, Mulder tries hard!!), and utmost respect for each other and their belief systems. Their endearing imperfections make them real people. Scully shows that a woman can succeed in anything she wants to. Mulder shows that a man can cry and still be considered a hero. Both are very intelligent individuals, who hold true to their own personal value systems. They don't compromise these values, no matter what the obstacle, but compromise with each other out of respect for their friendship. And I respect Chris Carter the most for letting his vision prosper, and for his insistence that sex not get in the way of great story lines.
Well, what a ramble that was!!! Well, you did ask!

One more note here, as I feel this part of my web-page has importance for other personal reasons. Fan Fic! When I first had access to the Internet in August 1998, I spent many an hour searching for all the cool X-Files sites, finally comforted to know I wasn't the only person in the world with this "X-Files" addiction. The only thing that didn't really interest me was the fanfic. I did initially read one and found it too unsettling to read about Mulder and Scully consummating their relationship in a sexual manner. So I avoided these sites. Then, just recently, a fellow X-Filer and ICQ buddy, who understood my hesitation, sent me the URL for a few fanfic writers who focus on vignettes or UST, but don't focus on changing the story-lines too much. So I had a look (I told you I was a curious soul!!) Here I discovered a wealth of talented people who like to try and fill in the spots that we all imagine. And they do it so well.
So why am I telling you this? Mainly due to the fact that after I watched 'Milagro', I was plagued with these amazing dreams about what may have happened afterwards, which, of course, was never addressed in the show. I told this to my X-File buddy and she told me to write it down. So I did, and enjoyed the process so much, I thought I would post it here on my site as part of the learning process. Of course, I am trying to do both things at once (web-page and fanfic), so who knows which bit will be finished first. I do not expect you to read it, or to even like it. It is my first effort at writing fanfic, and is very amateurish. Writing fanfic was never my intention when I first decided to have some fun on the 'NET'. So please forgive my audacity in posting my own humble story on my own humble little site (I heard that, Draco!!!) And I am having lots of fun!!!!
Thank you for listening. See you at PAX!!!!

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