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Welcome all my friends, to the show that never ends, we're so glad you could attend,
Come inside, come inside!
  Hello, everybody! Welcome to the home of Killer Comics and myself, Kevin Czapiewski. This is Version 2.2 of my site.
Hi. On the left you should notice the different buttons. These lead to different areas of the site. Here is a directory explaining the different places:
NEWS: this section is desinged specifically to log the updates that are made to the site. Check here everytime you come here.
PENCILS: my main profession is artist and here is where you can go to see some of my finest works. This is the area that gets the most attention as far as updates go.
my homage to the things in life which I hold dear. Basically fan pages, but with style and extra goodies.
just a little thingy about me and my likes. No big deal
my personal soap box. It is here that I sepeak my my mind and just talk. Coming Soon!
places on the net I like to go to and I think you should too.
COMIX: ooh, online comix! Here is where I post "Soooo?" which appears in Aftermath Zine.
KILLER COMICS: go here to find out everything there is to know about Killer Comics!
send me mail!
IXMoon, Orient Song,  Killer Comics and all related characters are owned and created by Kevin Czapiewski.