Welcome to my Backstreet Boys Guestbook!

Gramma - 07/20/00 17:45:10
My Email:ma_bell@excite.com
Favorite Backstreet Boy: Nick of course (runs in the family
Favorite Song: all of them
I am very proud of you....this is such an awsome site....all the time you put in it really shows....Love and lollipops...Gramma

Trina - 06/24/00 03:05:58
My URL:http://www.go.to/T_roksBSB
My Email:sweetbabe15f@hotmail.com
Favorite Backstreet Boy: Brian
Favorite Song: All I have to Give
awesome site, I liked it alot. I will visit back soon ~*keep the backstreet pride alive*~ check out mine site sometime tell me what ya think thanx.(don't forget to sign the guestbook)

Kimberly - 06/23/00 03:00:43
My URL:http://littrellslady.homestead.com/index.html
Favorite Backstreet Boy: Brian to the fullest kin'
Favorite Song: Thats what she said
Umm...pretty nuts page you got. Hope you have a lot of visitors. Sign my page. ALOHA! Kimberly

Kim Camp - 05/24/00 13:45:32
My Email:kimberelycamp@hotmail.com
Favorite Backstreet Boy: Definatly Nick Carter
Favorite Song: I want it that way!
I totally Love NICK CARTER and have done since the first time I seen him an would die to meet him so if he is looking for a girlfriend he knows where to find me and I am 1

Kim Camp - 05/24/00 13:45:02
My Email:kimberelycamp@hotmail.com
Favorite Backstreet Boy: Definatly Nick Carter
Favorite Song: I want it that way!
I totally Love NICK CARTER and have done since the first time I seen him an would die to meet him so if he is looking for a girlfriend he knows where to find me and I am 1

Megan - 03/15/00 13:59:04
My URL:http://www.bsb.com
My Email:Scooby_doo13_69
Favorite Backstreet Boy: Brian
Favorite Song: Larger than Life
Hey E-mail me and tell me your favorite bsb and your favorite song. Megan

Mandy - 03/09/00 22:56:35
My URL:http://go.to./Backstreet-Boys
My Email:backstreetboys_nick_lover@yahoo.com
Favorite Backstreet Boy: Nick Carter
Favorite Song: That's The Way I Like It
Just letting everyone know that I have a new URL for this page. Hope you all like my page. If you have any suggestions for me please e-mail me. Thanks. KTBSPA!!!

dessera - 03/03/00 04:03:54
My Email:kevvysgrl2@aol.com
Favorite Backstreet Boy: kevin
Favorite Song: 10,000 promises
i am like the biggest bsb fan and i think your website is really cool!1

Person - 02/19/00 00:52:32

Nicole Spence - 02/13/00 02:43:02
My Email:nick_latrice_280@yahoo.com
Favorite Backstreet Boy: nick
Favorite Song: "i want it that way"
cool wbesite you guys the guys need you help in trl they are at the number two spot and n'sync is in the number spot let backstreet back at number were they belong!

Stacey - 08/28/99 16:42:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~pauliegirl/newindex.htm
My Email:sarandonfan@yahoo.com
Favorite Backstreet Boy: Nick Carter
Favorite Song: I can't choose, it's too painful. :)
I love this site. It is really cool and creative. Please visit my site and sign my guestbook, please. Thanks, Love Ya (DNQ) Stacey Peace, Love, and Frack

laura shank - 08/26/99 22:09:29
Favorite Backstreet Boy: brian, nick, a.j, and howie
Favorite Song: i want it that way
very kewl sie! it's da bomb! totally awesome!

becca - 08/21/99 04:59:46
My URL:http://come.to/beccasbsb
My Email:baxtreetgirl@hotmail.com
Favorite Backstreet Boy: AJ AJ AJ AJ!!! He is SO fine but that's NOT why I love him!!
Favorite Song: If I MUST pick ONE...which I kind of can't...I guess Don't Want You Back but it's a touch call between that and That's The Way I Like It, Missing, You, Don't Wanna Lose You Now, and Spanish Eyes...and like, every other song is in 2nd ..
Cool site! Thanks for signing my guestbook, I'm glad you like my site so much!! :) KTBSPA!! Call me Toll Free at 1-877-EEEX-BSB!! Hope to hear from you soon!! :) *BeCca*

Vicky Neal - 08/04/99 22:28:59
My Email:greyghost2@talkcity.com
Favorite Backstreet Boy: Brian & Nick
Favorite Song: Everybody
Your site is too cool. Good work girlfriend! I really like the vidio that goes with this song too!

Katherine - 07/31/99 22:15:23
My Email:Kathy44157
Favorite Backstreet Boy: Nick
Favorite Song: Don't Want You Back
BSB are #1!!! Great Site!!!

Ash - 07/19/99 02:53:44
My Email:brok100@hotmail.com
Favorite Backstreet Boy: Brian "B-Rok" Littrell
Favorite Song: anywhere for you, back to your heart.... all of them!!
hey danielle! cool page! tell me when you get more pics and stuff like that, and I'll come and see it again!!! keep up the good work on your page ok! Ash

Danielle - 07/15/99 19:25:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Derby/1389
My Email:backstreetboys_nick_lover@hotmail.com
Favorite Backstreet Boy: NICK CARTER!!!!
Favorite Song: Spanish Eyes, All I Have To Give, and I'll Never Break Your Heart
I was just making sure that this thing works! Enjoys your stay.

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