Hi everyone this is my little
space in the world wide web.
Of course this is not the 
first time I have a website 
but this is the incorporation 
of all my other sites. Feel 
free to visit them. Just click 
on the link below.

POETRY- my poetry page,
a collection of my favorite 
poems done april 2000

COOLBABES- a website 
dedicated to my friends the 

SONGS - my songs and lyrics website

GRAPHICS - my graphics website (wallpapers, gifs, page theme, buttons, etc.)


 To that place
 I came again
 To witness

 It could not pause
 But with
 Its grudging
 Hiss it paused
 Enforced idleness

 I saw
 The engineer
 With same set face
 On same hard track
 With same gloved hand



I have 3 version of my personal site and it is your choice which one to visit first. But I recommend you visit 1st the new version since it contains all the latest updates.

  New Version - latest revision of  my very 1st website

 Frame Version - just a revision 
 of my first website using frames

 Original Version - my first website done last march '99

Life is like a game.

Sometimes we miss

and get hurt, but life

doesn't end where

our heartaches begin.

It only ends when we

give up and stop believing

Updated: 11-02-03

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