On November 14, 1985, something
quite strange and wonderful occured. A young cartoonist called Bill Watterson
published a comic strip about a boy and his tiger, "Calvin and Hobbes."
Every day, people look forward to looking at the new installment of this
comedic saga, about a boy named Calvin and his "stuffed" tiger, Hobbes.
Bill Watterson has since retired (1996, to be exact) but his creation lives
on in his book collections and on the web. This is a fan site devoted to
him and his comic strip. Following are his first five "Calvin and Hobbes"
comic strips:
the tall, cartoonish father, and the indescriptive Calvin eye in the 7th
frame of the strip.
well as being wildly popular in America, "Calvin and Hobbes" has had a
large success oversees also. (In the picture to the right, Calvin
is saying, "I won't go to bed!" in French.) Bill Watterson says, however,
"Foreign countries have recolored most of my strips, and I am seldom pleased
with the results."
is a list of all the "Calvin and Hobbes" books (and which, by the way,
i own). All of the books are published by Andrews and McMeel Books,
except for Yukon Ho!, which is published by Warner books.
Calvin and Hobbes (1987)
Something Under the Bed is Drooling (1988)
Yukon Ho! (1989)
Weirdos from Another Planet
The Revenge of the Baby-Sat (1991)
Scientific Progress goes "Boink"(1991)
Attack of the Derange Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons (1992)
The Days are Just Packed (1993)
Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat (1994)
There's Treasure Everywhere (1996)
It's a Magical World (1996)
(Following are the Anthologies,
including work from the aforementioned books)
The Essential Calvin and Hobbes
The Calvin and Hobbes lazy Sunday Book
The Authoritative Calvin and Hobbes
The Indespensible Calvin and Hobbes
The Calvin and Hobbes Tenth Anniversary Book (1995)
For more information about the strip, "Calvin and Hobbes," visit its official web site here.
P.S. If you have any suggestions
about what strips to add to this site, e-mail me at hobbesy2@aol.com