

I first saw Adam Stoke on Stephen King's The Stand.  And Larry Underwood(Adam Storke's character) soon became my favorite character.  I thought that he was the coolest guy ever.  Even though I liked the book better than the movie, the one thing I liked better than the book was Larry Underwood.  He sort of reminds me of Jeff Martin from The Tea Party in a way.  Until Jeff Martin got facial hair.  Now Adam Storke reminds me of no one. Anyways, I hope you enjoy my website. I know it is one of the few Adam Storke Websites, which shouldn't be. You are the person to come here. Although it probobly isn't alot. But this site was made on June 3rd 1999. It was last updated June 9th.

This Adam Storke Webring site is owned by
Rachael Roberts.

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