Deaf Books |
Deaf Culture: |
Deaf in America: Voices from a Culture By Carol Padden, Tom Humphries (Contributor) Information: the view of deaf culture how they communicate, becoming social, and becoming a different human being from a hearing human being. Check it |
Deaf Culture Our Way By Roy K. Holcomb, Thomas K. (Contributor), Samuel K. Holcomb (Contributor) Information: Very good book. One of the authors was deaf guest/professor in my Deaf Studies. This book is very humor where hearing people love to learn about deaf culture including the facts about deaf people and their culture. Check it |
Deaf History Unveiled: Interpretations from the New Scholarship By John Vickery Van Cleve (Editor) Information: Dr. Van Cleve was one of my history professor. The book has many information based on the history of deaf human beings from the begining to 1980s. Check it |
Deaf Hertiage (History): |
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A Place of Their Own: Creating the Deaf Community in America By John Vickery Van Cleve, Barry A. Crouch Information: Dr. Van Cleve and Dr. Crouch were my history professors. Dr. Crouch is also famous author about Freeman and Black people in Texas, The book has described how the deaf community grew from the past to the present including schools, first recorded about deaf people in the Bible, and media Check it |
When the Mind Hears: A History of the Deaf By Harlan L. Lane Information: Some of same and different History of the Deaf Check it |
A Silent Minority: Deaf Education in Spain. 1550-1835 By Susan Plann Information: First Deaf Internation Education (First Deaf American Education was in 1817) Check it |
Deaf Hertiage: Student Text and Workbook By Felica M. Alexander, Jack R. Gannon Information: Dr. Gannon is retired deaf professor of Gallaudet University and former president of National Association for the Deaf. The book is based on "Deaf World" from the begining to 1984. the worksheet added the years of 1985 to 1989. Check it |
Everyone Here Spoke Sign Language: Hereditary Deafness on Martha's Vineyard By Nora Ellen Groce, John W. M. Whiting Information: Martha's Vineyard used to be "deaf island" until last deaf person died in 1936. The reason is the disappearance of deaf people was the deaf school set in Connecticut in 1817. Martha's Vineyard sign language now became connected with French sign language into American Sign language in the honor of Martha's Vineyard sign language. Check it |
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