
     05.06.01-added a picture from Moulin Rouge here. (by Richie)

     01.30.01-added a pic from the magazine MOVIELINE(US)
                     February 2001 issue here.
      01.23.01-added a Moulin Rouge Picture here from Premiere Magazine (US).
      12.31.00-added a pic from OK! magazine here, and a Happy Birthday to Carson!
                    -added a goof here.
      12.14.00-added 3 Moulin Rouge pictures from Vogue Magazine Here.
      11.07.00-added some news and pics Here from ForceNet. (Thanks Carson).
                    -added Pics from OK! Magazine from Octoober 20, 2000 issue Here.
                      My apologies for not posting them sooner due to my illness.
       10.19.00-added some goofs at the Goofs Page Here.
                        -added some screen grabs that were madee exclusively for
                         this site here From Scotland to the Stars Video. Very Special
                         Thanks to Claude Marcotte of Best of Ewan McGregor for these.
        10.17.00-added some recent pictures of Ewan from The Force net at
                         "other ewan news" here. Thanks to  Claude.
        10.10.00-added some Nightwatch pics here. Thank you Claude!
        10.03.00-added a *spoiler* from Force net revealing a bit of the plot.
                         Please don't click if you don't want to know. Click Here.
        10.01.00-added ewan pictures page 20 with a pre-production picture for
                          now. I will start an EP 2 section in the filmography soon.
          9.22.00-The address page, EOTB waves page
                         have been revamped a bit.
                       -added waves from the movie Emma here.
                       -moved TPM Cut Scenes to Multimedia Pages.
                       -added "select" pictures fromm Star on Ewan News.
                       -added a wallpaper here.
                       -added another voting link from Celebhooo! here.
                       -added a Brassed Off! picture here.
                       -added two goofs on the goofs pages here.
           9.13.00-added a Global 100 voting link on the index page. You
                        can vote for your favorite celebrity like Ewan McGregor,
                        or your favorite music artist, and more. You can vote here.
                        Thanks to Julie Straw for two pictures for EaN. You can
                        check out her wonderful site, The McGregor Cyberzone here
                       -added a new wallpaper here.
                       -added a Nora Poster here.


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