JC "We never concern ourselves with other people." "I don't think I would care. I'd just want out of the spaceship." After being asked what memory he would keep if he were abducted by aliens and could only keep one memory. "I'd want to be a woman." When asked who he would be if he could switch places with anyone for a day. "Pluto. Just because he's real." After being asked who is his favorite disney character. We hate to break it to you, JC, but Pluto was a cartoon. "We're glad you guys aren't running around naked onstage!" Addressing his fans. "You forgot my sexy looks!" "Joey comes in and eats all our food anyway! SCRUB!" "I'm a little girl!" After receiving an autogrphed Phil Collins CD
Lance "I'm a beanie-babyaholic.' "I fell asleep in the dressing room. Joey put whipped cream and beanie babies all over my head. I just took the whipped cream and put it on his hair! We had a war." When asked about practical jokes. "Ha! I don't think I'm cute! Ha! My parents did a good job, I guess." When asked why he is so cute. "I'll play basketball but I am soooo bad at it. And they make fun of me for it, but, you know, I like to try things." "I'm just 'N Sync. Last night some guy passed by and said, "Hey, 'N Sync!" Uh, my name's Lance." "It's not about a horse." Talking about Giddy Up. "Normally you gotta keep [Chris] away from sugar, cause he'll go nuts. We travel in a small bus, and he's like a hurricane." "I was skydiving once and hit a bird." "We don't care. We are tired of that question." On what they think of Ginger Spice leaving the group."Boston is great. I want some Boston...uhhh....stuff." "I like Garth Brooks, 'cuz I'm from Mississippi." "This is for Reebok or Nike or Puma or Adidas or whoever wants to give us some shoes." "Whoa, my goodness that really hurts." "Shania!"
Joey "Just good humor. Not the ice cream!" When asked what makes him laugh. "I don't know. Ask them!" When asked why he doesn't sing much. Somebody give the boy a chance! "I got dumped on my first date! I took her to the movies. And she dumped me! I guess the movie wasn't that good." "It was part of the act! And it wasn't Lance's idea. It was Kathy's! She just chose Lance. It wasn't real. Lance is still single! They're not dating. It's OOOOOKAY! She did it for laughs, and it worked...some of it." When asked if the kiss between Lance and Kathy Griffin on the Billboard Awards was real or part of the act. I think this is really funny, because Joey seems so frantic to stop any rumors from starting. "He's got a wild side to him. Not many people know, but he does." When asked if Lance is shy or if he has a wild side to him. "No, I don't have any girlfriend or girlfriends. But I date." When asked if he has any GIRLFRIENDS. I thought this was an interesting question... "He's trying to catch flies." When asked why Justin always sticks his tongue out. "I don't know. That's the first thing that popped in my head, and maybe I wished I didn't say it because now I have tons of jello. So if anyone has the pool, I have the jello." When asked what was with his "big pool of jello" fantasy. "My two front teeth!" When asked what he wanted for Christmas. "Underwear! Like Mom always says, you have to have clean underwear and socks!" When asked what his favorite piece of clothing is. "Clothes. I wouldn't want to run around naked. I love clothes." When asked what is the one thing he can't live without. "Lance uses us like wild dogs-he holds us by the leash and waits for us to sniff people out and then he goes and meets them himself!" "Theme park nothing! You were PooFoo!" "[JC's] been in prison for about what, five years?" "Just look closely. Do we look normal?" "You see, JC matures too quickly. He peaked at the ago of 15 and he's going downhil slowly. All he wants to do now is sleep!" "Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! I'm gonna pee my pants!" "Yeah, [me and Kathy Griffen] have been married for four years. We have three kids, and we live in Omaha, Nebraska."
Chris "To stop saying Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious." Trying to confuse the typist when he was asked what his New Year's resolution was. "You know, I don't even think they put those out...they're in a warehouse with the lost ark, from Raiders of the Lost Ark, and the 10 Commandments and the holy grail." When asked where his handprints are in Disneyland. "Hmmm...So was I...Let's go seek counseling together." The question was, "Do you believe in aliens? I was abducted." "If I were a Spice Girl, I'd be Taco Spice or Refried Bean Spice!" Trailing off when asked if he's ever tried the Double Decker at Taco Bell. "It was awkward b/c we were playing Kiss Tag so after she kissed me she punched me. So I had to learn at a very young age that women are nothing but trouble." Chris when asked what his first kiss was like. "Joey kissed Lance!" When asked if any of them kissed a girl for New Year's. I don't think that was something he was supposed to share... "No. My mother claims that JC's her son when she points us out to her friends!" Chris, when asked if his mother approves of his hair. "Green M&M's are the coolest!" "I don't know...all of them, different times, depends on what I want to do. Unless Joey eats Taco Bell, then it's not Joey." When asked which 'N Sync member he likes to hang around. "I have a dog named French Fry and a rock named Large Coke, but they're dead now." The question was "I hava a cat named cheeseburger. Do you have any pets?" "Well, no, I can't really disguise myself. I dress up as Justin sometimes. That seems to work." "I'd like to do a duet with Gwen Stafani, just b/c I wouldn't sing, I'd just be asking her out on a date the entire time." "My mom. But don't get me wrong, I didn't want to grow up and be a woman." When asked who has most influenced him. "My wife doesn't like it very much, but then I'm not married, so who cares!" When asked what was his most recent prank, and who was it on. He really trails off a lot... "Three more wishes, cause one wish isn't enough. I'm greedy." When asked what he would wish for if he was granted one wish. "Gwen Stefani. And it's not really a crush, cause I know she wants me." When asked what he looks for in a girl. "And we got Lance! The four of us are replaceable. Lance is irreplaceable. He's albino. Quit lying, he's a Mississippi albino. They're very rare in this part of the country." "Well, we were out albino hunting one day..." "Oh, that's my hair man. That's au naturale. I was born with dreads. I was born with a weave." "Joey's like Tickle Me Elmo!" "If we had auditioned everybody I don't think Joey would have made it." "The worst feeling in the world is when you stick your hand in a bowl of jelly and you don't wash it off. Now that's a bad feeling...it goes all sticky and crusty!" "This is all about chicks for [Joey]. I'm going to say it right now. This is all about chicks. He doesn't even like music, come to think about it. He doesn't like dancing either. This is all about chicks." "And there is drool! And there is drool, there is drool on the paper!" "Our next outfits will probably have the buns cut outta them." "Lance likes Tasmanian Devils, I like large bills!" "My grandma carries scissors and she's coming after me!" "I was raised by my mom and four sisters. I grew up thinking that women were the boss. Women were right, men were wrong, the end." "Oh, that's cool, he's our favorite too!" On what he thought about Justin being the favorite. "And I suppose you don't smell either!"
Justin "It's a Michael Jordan thing! No, I honestly don't know. It kind of pops out, it's got a mind of its own." When asked why he sticks his tongue out all the time. "I'm a hazard actually, if you talk to me you will get hit!" When asked if he's really grouchy in the morning. "No, because everyone knows that I'm the best belcher in the group." When asked if the guys have burping contests. "I haven't had much of a chance to go clubbing yet because we're so busy. But I snuck into clubs before so...Maybe I shouldn't be telling people that!" When asked if he goes clubbing now that he's 18. "Boom! Whoa! My hair was scaring me." "And he used to go in like Barney and go "Hey little kids how're ya doing? It's me PooFoo!" "I was on Star Search! I did do Star Search alright? Let it go! I got three and a quarter stars" "Joey bought this coat that looks like a hydrogen peroxide Chewbacca." "That was my 15-year-old sex scene." "It's like butta, baby." "You stole my answer. Um, I like AJ. He's a cutie." "Are we using body parts? I was gonna say confidence." "Yeah, it smells pretty girly!" "What I'm afraid of is when they throw the stuffed animals up at the stage, well I'm afraid someone will throw something really hard at my head, and they'll have to take me to the hospital, and well, I might die." Justin, talking about his biggest fear on stage. "What you talkin' bout lil' brain Willis?" "I hope he doesn't puke on me. That'd be really bad." "Give me back my lunch money!" "Yeah, I got her digits!" "For some reason, I've dated quite a few girls with the name of Harmony." "If God isn't a Tarheels fan, then why is the sky Carolina blue?" "Happy little Busta left a happy little doo doo in my bunk!"
Group Quotes Chris: "You know Justin was supposed to be the lead character in Titanic." Justin: "Yeah, but I turned it down. I said, "Why don't you go get like, Leo?" JC: "Leo almost turned it down, too. BUt he was like, "Man, you offered it to Justin." Justin: "I said, "Man, I'm moving on to bigger and better things. Maybe you should give it to Leo." Joey: "And Chris was going to be Kate Winslet."
Chris: "Should I say that with a little more feeling?" Justin: "Yeah, say that sentence again." Chris: "I'm sure you hear this all the time but you have SUCH a sexy voice. Oh Baby." Justin: "You gotta put the emphasis on the oh baby." Chris: "I'm sure you hear this all the time but you have such a SEXY voice." All: "OH BABY!" DJ: "Well we gotta let Lance do the "Oh baby" cause he's got the- Chris: "He's got the bass voice." Lance: (Very low) "OH baby." Chris: "So in other words Lance has the sexy voice and we have each other."
JC and Justin: "M-I-C...See ya real soon...K-E-Y...Why? Because we got paid to...M-O-U-S-E."
Justin, Chris, and Joey: "I'd like to buy a vowel. I'd like to buy an OHHHHH!"
JC: "Lance gets NONE!" Lance: "I get it ALL!"
Justin: "Lance got a big ol' butt." JC and Justin: "I know I told you I be true...'cause Lance got a big ol' butt, so I'm eatin' YOU!"
Chris: "Oh, wait. Right now we'll clear out and show you that Lance really can't dance." Lance: "I'm not even going to play myself into this."
Lance: "You know we hardly get in any fights, and..." Justin: (acting angry) "You talked when I was tryin' to talk, man!" Lance: (says this very fast) "Now can I talk?" Justin: "Yeah."