Background Information:
This survey was inspired by a short interview with Stephen Sommers, the esteemed director of the Smash Hit movie "The Mummy", when he passed a brief mention on the "teenage" internet fanbase of Oded Fehr, the Med-Jai leader Ardeth Bay, in the same movie. Upon hearing of this, the interest and curiosity of fans throughout the internet were piqued and it was subsequently decided to pursue this matter to ascertain the demographics of this remarkably talented actor.
Survey Information: DISCLAIMER: If there are any queries or concerns or ANYTHING regarding this survey, please do not hesitate to email gypsy on
Thank you!
1) Via email - ; or
2) Via internet -
Sample size:
150-300 fans, consisting of direct (active fans who know of this survey firsthand from internet browsing) and indirect (fans who know of this survey secondhand through direct fans, this population would mainly consist of family and friends of direct fans)
Duration: 3 months (5 October 1999 - 5 January 2000), or when the quota of 300 maximum is reached.
Error Sampling: Please DO NOT POST TWICE as this will skew the survey towards inaccurate and erroneous conclusions. If you have posted incorrect information the first time and would like to post another survey, can you email me first on so I can delete your first wrong data and replace it later with your correct one?
Only direct and indirect fans know of this survey, its email address and its URL. In so keeping with this tradition all parties involved AGREE AND UNDERSTAND, when participating with this survey, that:
1) This is a survey which is NOT affiliated with any internet fansites; and
2) The names and emails of the participants will NOT be given out for any commercial purposes; and
3) The results of this survey will NOT be given out for any commercial purposes; and
4) That this survey is NOT reflective of the views and opinions of the aforementioned actor, his agents, any movie Studios which he has been involved with for projects, and/or any other persons OTHER THAN THAT of a VERY SMALL PORTION of the fans (direct and indirect) of the aforementioned actor.
Other Information: