Allen Covert--Who the Hell Is HE?
-The Limo Driver in The Wedding Singer
-Otto the Caddy in Happy Gilmore
-A Cop in Bulletproof
-A Cop in Airheads
-A SuperFan in The Waterboy with roles in Big Daddy, Going Overboard and he even helps write and produce Sandler's comedy CD's!!


Here they are:  A Pic of my buddy Jenni and I with the main cheese
Allen Covert:
Post- Adam Sandler's performance on Late Night with Conan O'Brien on 9/24/99!


Allen Covert is my LOVER!

The Allen Covert Joint

Okay, not really, but I am a really big fan of his work, and I'm sure you are, too!  He's been in everything, well, pretty much everything Adam Sandler has had the pleasure to work on.  Al-B-Sure!, as his close friends like to call him, has graced the screen in over 6 movies, and by playing a wide range of characters Al is sure to win over the bigwigs in Hollywood!


Want to touch Alan Covert?
Like Gary Coleman?
Email me!


Truckers Love Allen Covert!!!

Hootie McBoob from Union City, TN, sent us this lovely photo of the Allen Covert tattoo she got three years ago.  "If you see him, tell him little Cleetus misses his Daddy!" she wrote.  We'll give him the message, Hootie!


Covert and friends discuss why pastel jumpsuits ever went out of style.


Allen was once a contender for the role of Fred on Scooby Doo.  Though it was his first big break and would have made him an instant star, Covert turned down the role, complaining that "the scarf made me look gay."

Covert off the coast of Haiti, where he recently spent a six-month religious pilgrimage/ masturbating frenzy.

PAGE 2!!

I wanna see more pictures of Allen Covert!  He's the epitome of all that is good and right with the world!!


For more Allen Covert, see these pages:

Adam Sandler's Official Site

The Big Daddy Movie Trailer --opening June 25th!

The Waterboy Trailer--He's probably in there SOMEWHERE!

Wanna come see my personal homepage?
The girls in prison are lonely this time of year.

The Official Wedding Singer Site

This Adam Sandler Ring site is owned by Mindy Fought.

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Allen Covert's Resume

I've got loads more work to do on this, but for now, thank you for viewing my page.