Thank You For Visiting Scott's Pokepage! Raichu is the best pokemon out there, therefore, I dedicate my page to Raichu. Please Vote for me at the links at the bottom of the page. I hope you enjoy my page, and come back often. You may take any pictures or info you want off my page.
Any pictures or info off my page. Click on the Koffing to E-mail me about any questions you would like to ask, or any comments you would like to say.
Cubone will take you to my codes page
Pikachu will take you to my links
Pikachu's brother will take you to my Pokedex (List of all 158!)
Meowth will take you to my Gym Leaders and Elite Four Stats.
Articuno will take you to my list of TM's and HM's
Raichu will take you to my Battle Chart
Welcome to my page
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