I got it for free at

CONGRATULATIONS GOES OUT TO CAITLIN (owner of Backstreet.Net). This lucky 13 year old was chosen out of 1000's of BSB fans to HOST the Backstreet Boys on-line Fan Conference. So CONGRATULATIONS CAITLIN and say hi to the guys from ALL of us.

Hi and welcome to Backstreet Uncensored, a web page totally dedicated to, of course, the Backstreet Boys. There's lots of things to do here, from finding out the latest information on what's happening with the guys, to drooling over the many individual and group pictures.

This is my first attempt at a web site, so please be paitient with me. Over time I will be adding and deleting this to help better my site. If you have any ideas or comments about my site that you'd like to tell me about you can e-mail me HERE

Please note that this site will be updated every 4-5 days. Some of the information that I have comes from Caitlins Backstreet.Net web site. You can find a link to her site, and to many other great BSB sites on my LINKS page.

Thankyou and enjoy


I know you read this just about everytime you enter a web site, but could you PLEASE SIGN MY GUESTBOOK. I need to know what you guys think about my web site, and how I could possibly improve it. If you would like to say something about my site but choose not to write it up in the guestbook, you are quite welcome to e-mail me at the above address. All entries will be read and I promise not to delete any of them, unless I find them offensive, obscene, rude etc.

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