Links |
Here you will find links to usefull sites. Like crack and gaming sites. The link page now includes hardware and mp3 links. |
Cracks: |
Game copy world: This site is all you really need. It has the newest cracks befour any other crack site. If you need patches or cd-burning progs all you need to do is visit gamecopyworld. Also a big pluss is that they have several servers around the world. So you will never get slow downloads, well almost never... |
Mega games: A big crack site with many game fixes and patches, but not nearly as much as game copy world. A great crack page, but not gamecopyworld-great page. |
Astalavista: Astalavista is the ultimate search engine for cracks and cd-keys. It has like 30 different search engines. You will never have to search for cracks in any search engine after you have visited this site. Sometimes it can take a while to find your cracks, but it doesent really matter when you will find what you are looking for eventualy. |
I haven't listed more than 3 crack pages since i don't think you will need anything else. I strongly recommend visiting game copy world whenever you need anything, searching for cracks through search engines can take some time and you will most likely not find what you were looking for. |
Gaming Sites: |
Gamespy: Gamespy is probobly the biggest gaming network with more gaming sites than anyone. |
Gamespot: Gamespot is part of the Gamespy network, but is one of the best gaming pages so I putt this page in here aswell. Good reviews of each game pluss peoples own oppinions. Many demos and trailers. |
IGN: A good page with, what i think, probobly the best news letter. Good reviews and they cover a wide area, consoles, etc |
CNET: Reviws and articles on mostly hardware and usefull programs. Very good page. |
ZDNET: Very much the same type of page as cnet, but...maybe not so good. Good page though. |
More Gaming Sites: |
These Pages are recommended |
Game Revolution Mostly console |
Hardware: |
Mp3: |
I could go on, but most mp3 sites features the same music. So I'll stop right here. Many of the above mp3 sites link to further download'able music. |
![]() Dave Matthews Band Buy This Giant Poster At |
![]() The Lord of the Rings - Fellowship Buy This Poster At |