Welcome to Tone's World

(Now go home...heheh, just kidding)

Haha...too funny. Here I am a so-called web developer and I hardly ever update my own website. Oh well, the main reason for the update is to let you all know about the new Radiohead Live album that came out today. It's amazing...awesome...stupendous. Especially "Like Spinning Plates" which might as well be a brand new song it's so different from the regular album version. At any rate, pick up this album if you get a chance. It's only $9.99 this week at Best Buy.

Oh, and see that thing at the top of the screen? Go ahead and click it for some cool Radiohead stuff. Don't worry, it won't bite (unless of course you're into that sort of thing...then it definitely bites ;-)

  • Here's a nice big picture of some of my friends (there's also one with me and the wife if you scroll down a little)
  • Check out my 10-Year High School Reunion (can you believe I actually had fun? Yeah, it was a big surprise to me too).
  • I put together a little pictorial biography for a class assignment (I had to use frames in some creative way...let me know if you think I succeeded).
  • Who are the Ying-Yang Crew? Find out.

I can be reached here.

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