Cyberpunk Characters

R Torrison


Mr R Torrison is probably the most wealthiest, most respected and well reputated Corp in all of night city.    He,s easily a millionaire and therefore has the freedom to be able to hire purely the best.   He is thoroughly respected by the police and community at large.     Although he is a generous, just and a fair Corp, he is however rather strict, and dosent tollerate anyone who takes liberties with him.

He has Guzman, Output and Initiative as full time regular solo,s to work for him.   He has probably the best bodyguard money can buy, in Cement.    R Torrison is not a man who runs a closed buisness.    He dose take interest in hiring new solo,s who dont have a huge rep, as long as he thinks they have potential (usually from word of mouth from his main solo,s).

Image influenced from: Stephen J Channel. The name was influenced by the authors name of the RPG game



Hypegrind is probably the most evilest, ruthless and hard hearted Corp ever to be created.    Remember how Robert De Niro and James Woods acted in movies when they were villians?, creepy but cocky?.    Well thats exactly how Hypegrind is. Unlike R Torrison, Hypegrind is not on the side of just and rightousness, instead he dwells in greed and darkness.   Hypegrind is not as wealthy as R Torrison, so therefore he often takes shortcuts, exploitation and double crossings whenever he can.

Hypegrind is not as foundationly blessed as R Torrison either.   Hypegrind has often resorted to murder, assasination and double crossings to get to the financial state he is now in.   The police even believe he assasinated his own wealthy father, in order for him to become the fully fledged Corp he is now, but unfortunently, they have nothing solid on him and cannot prove a thing. Just like Kingpin, he is clean in the eyes of the law. Hypegrind knows the system well and is a genius at always covering his tracks.

His bodyguard is Kraal.   This is just aswell, as Hypegrind is not a pleasent easy going employer to anyone.

Image influenced from:   Total original design



Kraal is Hypegrinds suprisingly loyal and humble bodyguard.   Although Kraal was raised in the deep south, where discipline and upbringings are strict, Kraal is still a tough and totally accomplished bodyguard.   Kraals work ethics and mannerisms are strict and high, due to his deep southern upbringing, even though he knowingly serves an evil master.

Kraal has a very deep and bassy voice, which is hard to sub conciously take seriously at first.   Hypegrind and Kraal do seemingly make a good team, as Hypegrind can take advantage of Kraals good nature and be his very self (which he would never have any other way), and also the fact that Kraal is not easily offended, and that his work ethics are so high, that to him a job is just a job.   Kraals voice is influneced partly from Micheal Duncan Clarke, and from any other afro/carribean movie characters thats big tough and has that trademark afro/carribean americanised bassy voice.

Kraal is around 6ft 5 and weighs around 300 lbs.   Kraals physical abilitys are not in Cements league for sure, but he is a reliable Bodyguard thats an exceptional brawler.

Image influenced from:  Michael Duncan Clarke



Guzman is not like a typical stereotyped movie solo. He is charasmatic, womanising, humourous, prankster, and highly sociable. Guzman is an Italian American hailing from Staten Island NY.   Guzman just like a typical young Italian American is very good looking, and a definate ladies man.

However, putting aside all his charasmatic traits, Guzman is a very accomplished solo.  He is around 6 ft 2 and weighs about 230lbs. Guzman dosent always have fandom in all his work colleagues.   Alot of Torrisons Z list solo,s regard him as too cocky and not a solo u can take seriously.   However, those who can get on with Guzman , and knows he has a dedicated serious side when it truly matters, will testify he is always the life and soul of the party.

Image influenced from:  From the Video Game character Ralph from King of Fighters



Cememt is very very likely the best Bodyguard money could ever buy (hence why R Torrison hires him).   Cement is truly a supreme tailor made solo.   He is a monster of a man.    He stands around 6 ft 7 and weighs a lean 300lbs.  Everyone believes he is a total natruel born one man army. However now, Cement is now semi retired from Solo work, and just spends 90% of his employment being Torrisons bodyguard.

Cement both mentally and physicly is like a Rock.   He appears seemingly impervious to pain, torment, emotion and distraction.  His private life is shut out to the rest of the world, very little is known about his private life.   He dosent appear too sociable either, almost like an iceman thats just totally shut off from the rest of the world.  Any relation anyones ever had with him has always been strictly buisness. Because of these traits, he has never lost a stare down confrontation.  On very rare occasions, when Torrison feels safe to be alone for a while, he will do the odd mission.  But this is very rare these days.

Image influenced from:  Arnold Swartzeneggers cop character in Kindergarden Cop



Northstar is my second and current solo which i am playing the game as.  He is a Finnish imagrant.  Speaks good english, but is nativly Finnish.   Northstar is not a very big solo, he is only 5 ft 11 and weighs 225lbs. Northstar first worked for Hypegrind.   Although Northstar is on the side of Just and rightousness, his unknowledgable mindset to american culture however made him non the wiser on who he was actually working for.   after his one and only mission he did for Hypegrind, Northstar double crossed Hypegrind and joined the side of R Torrison.

Northstar was introduced to R Torrison by Guzman, who witnessed him hold his own against a veteran solo who,s league he was definently out of.  Northstar is still a rookie solo, but however in his short carrer, he has experianced alot.  Northstar has fitted in well with R Torrisons regualar Solo,s and has appeard to of earnt their respect (unlike Nightwolf). Northstar is a quick well reflexed martial artist.   Who,s able to take hits very well.  However he has a continuing problem, in the shape of a scorned Hypegrinde, who never takes to being double crossed lightly.

Image influenced from:  Blonde haired black metal artists



Output is almost a carbon copy of Cement, as far as personality and conduct goes.  But the only difference is, Output serves purely as a Solo.   Output is near enought totally invinsible.   He stands 6ft 5 and weighs around 285lbs.   He,s definently the most elite of all of R Torrisons solos.   He,s a bit more sociable than Cement, but again his personal life is pretty closed off to everybody.    George Drake an old veteran solo for R torrison, but now retired knows near enought more about Output than anybody.  Output began working as a solo for a then rookie Corp R Torrison at aged only 18.  Allready he stood 6 ft 4 and weighed 235lbs.  He was like a keen school boy that wanted to join the armned forces fresh out of school.  Output was a natruel born warrior.

He,s never been married and he has no children.   So far, the only person thats ever gotten the better of Output in any way shape or form is Dark Cobra.   Output is a one man army like Cement.  He once upon a time infront of Nightwolf, Sabre and Death Adder, decked an entire gang in a bar with ease like it was a light workout in a gym.  Output like a stereotyped solo, is a man of little words.

Image influenced from:  Totally Original



Initiative is quite a unique type of solo.  He isent an ice man type of solo of few words like Output is, but he,s not a total jack the lad type of solo like Guzman is either.  He,s kinda inbetween.  Initiative socialises with Guzman more than any other solo.  But alot of Torrisons Z list solo,s think Initiative dose himself no favours hanging out with Guzman.  Initiative did have quite a priviledged upbringing.  He went to private school, and was given many lessons in armed forces combat training growing up. Inititiative did join the armed froces between 18-21, but after his 3 year compulsory contract ended, he decided he wanted to be a warrior where he could call the shots more on what he dose.

So at 22 he joined R Torrison and has worked for him ever since. Initiative is good with rifles and sniper rifles.   Although Initiative is fairly easy going, he dose speak his mind alot when he feels he should do.   Initiative stands 6ft 1 and weighs around 225lbs.   He first met Nightwolf in prison, but during their sentances, they fueded, and Initiative threatened to get Nightwolf, if they ever met on the outside.   Luckily though Initiative gave Nightwolf a pardon, when Nightwolf started working for R Torrison

Image influenced from:  Totally Original.



Nightwolf was my first ever solo that i ever played the part of.   In them days i wasent very good at playing Cyberpunk and adjusting my mindset to adapt to that of a serious solo.  Therefore Nightwolf made himself a laughing stock most of the time. A   Z-list solo to say the least.   I dont remember much about Nightwolf up until the part he started working for R Torrison.    He dose wear a ninja like mask in battle,   but unlike Dark Cobra, he definently dose not have the abilities of a Neo Ninja

Nightwolf started with R Torrison along the same time as 2 other Z list solo,s Death Adder and Sabre.  The 3 of them formed a little clique as a result.   Nightwolf was the worse however at failing to get the respect of R Torrisons 3 elite solos.

Nightwolf totally tested the patience of R Torrison during his final days. He blatently failed at starting a mission for R Torrison immediatly at one time, where instead, he went out on his own personal business, to settle a grudge with the Golden Dragons.   The Golden Dragons felt Nightwolf had offended their honour so much, that the only way they were willing to allow Nightwolf out of a fight to the death to atoine the sin, was to allow them to decapitate his right hand.  On discovering all this, R Torrison felt angry and embarresed for Nightwolf.   R Torrison even challanged Nightwolf and his little clique to give him a reason why he shouldent just have them all killed off there and then.

In the final minits of Nightwolfs last day alive.   He pleaded R Torrison to pay the warzone bandit gang that had captured him 1 million dollors for his release.   When R Torrison refused, the gang killed Nightwolf off.

Image influenced from:  Lorenzo Lamas,s character from the TV series Renegade

Dark Cobra


Dark Cobra is rumoured and respected as the best Solo that has ever lived.   Dark Cobra is an absolute Neo Ninja and totally unstopable.   Dark Cobra is so great and has such a well known and feared and respected reputation, that he dose not even need to aligne himself with a corp.   Dark Cobra is 100% independent (inless when he works with his younger brother Dark Dragon).   Dark Cobra is rumoured to of been conceived in a high tech test tube creating laboratory (just like Solid Snake).   Dark Cobra displays pycological and physical attributes never ever seen or even thought as possible within a human being.

Dark Cobra is not evil, but he,s not a role model hero either.   He has many anti hero traits. To put it in a nutshell, the only claim there is to him not being branded as evil, is purely the fact that he will never knowingly serve evil.   He started a fight with Output once in a desserted street, just because Output dared to stare down with him for too long (only person ever to of defeated Output fairly!!!!).   Dark Cobra has a younger brother called Dark Dragon, who is almost as deadly as he is.   Dark Cobra has never ever been known to work with another solo on a mission inless it was with his brother.

Image influenced from:  Totally Original



Tracker only came into our story lines rather recently.    Tracker is what you would call an elite Bounty Hunter, and Bounty Hunting is his main solo forte of occupation.    Tracker is a very no nonsense type of person, very straight to the point and never allows himself to loose any focus or become distracted.

Other than this very brief biography about him, very little else is known of him.    It is not even known who creates his highly advanced weaponry?, whether he creates them himself, or he pays obscured techies to do it, either way, he always seems to be in possession of highly advanced weaponry, which certainly makes him more efficient in his missions, and usually gives him big advantages over his targets and foes. One of his prominent weapons is an elusive type of hand gun which at first, aims multiple laser beams at any person within a room, and if ever need be, when the trigger is pulled, will fire specially designed homing bullets at all targets that were being aimed for.

   There is a saying that dictates that Money is the root of all evil, well with Tracker, the case is, money is the route of all his destiny, as money very much talks with him when it comes to deciding as to whether to accept a job or not to.    Whether the corp/client be good, or whether he'd be evil, if the price is right, Tracker will work and deliver for them.    Just like he did for Hypegrind. Where other solo's had failed in capturing Northstar for him, Tracker on the other hand was successful, and in a rather effortless achievement aswell.    Basically, Tracker is never a man you would want after you !!!.

Image influenced from:  Totally Original



Although Kovack serves evil corps, at the moment, he is having a bit of an identity crisis.   He only serves evil corps mainly , because thats all he thinks he can get.   Kovack is definently not the most evilest of evil solos you could find.   At the moment, he has sought of like formed a truce relationship with Northstar.   The main reason for this is, Northstar and Kovack had to fight eachother to the death in one of Hypegrinds chambers on recruitment day.  Winner gets contracted, looser looses his life.   Northstar won the fight but spared Kovacks life.   Hypegrind then pretended to have Kovack killed off (to intimidate the other solos obviously), but at a later date when Northstar was lost in the Warzone, he met up with Kovack.

Kovack just socially chatted with him for a while, then went their seperate ways. At another later date, Northstar met Kovack in prison. Kovack infromed Northstar that a bounty was put on his head by Hypegrind (as if he didnt know already).   But due to gratitude for Northstar and to his own personal resentment towards Hypegrinds lack of loyalty to his solo,s, Kovack insured Northstar he would never try and take him in.   Kovack has X-ray cyberwear vision.  Kovack is also about Northstars size too.

Image influenced from: Totally Original

Sarge and Pillsner

Prison Guards

Sarge and Pillsner are the main heavys in the Nightcity prison.   Many solos at one time or another do time in prison sooner or later, as Solo,s niches often clash with the boundries of the law.   And prison guards just love to get a piece of Solo,s.   In an urban jungle, everyone knows if you wanna gain a good rep fast, hunt the Lions, not the Wilderbeasts.   As both Sarge and Pillsner are as easily big as your average solo, these 2 will especially take pleasure in enforcing prison rules and regulations equally amoungst all inmates.

Sarge:  Sarge is just like that guard from the Stallone movie Lock Up.   The one who was fat and loved throwing his weight around.   Although Sarge is ranked Seargent (hence his nickname), he is by far from, an officer that operates by the book.   Sarge see,s nearly every inmate as an enemy.   To earn his respect is very very hard.  To earn his friendship is next to impossible.  Sarge is massive.  He stands at around 6ft 6 and weighs over 300lbs. He dose have a fairly hefty mid-section though.  So his physical conditioning when push comes to shove dose not equally match that of an average solo. Sarge is very brutal and enjoys being aggressive.  He dosent have much patience either.  He truly is a prisoners worse nightmare.

Pillsner:  Pillsner is ranked Corpral, but prefers to be called by his real surname.  He is not as big as Sarge (he stands 6ft 2 and weighs around 225lbs), nor is he as aggressive brutal and anti-by the book as Sarge, he is still an officer never to annoy or break rules to.   Pillsner is more like Cpt Mizener from Lock Up.   Pillsner often dictates his own rules, and likes to creat underground activities in Prisons like Boxing and pit-fighting.   Many prisoners have earnt Pillsners respect and right to special privaledges from fighting for him.

Image influenced from:  Totally Original designs

Johnny Silverhand


Rockers dont come into our stories and chronicles of Cyberpunk much.   Simply because they are not warriors in anyway shape or form, but just entertainers.  Johhny Silverhand is the bass player and frontman of Night City,s most popular Rock act.  A band called Grenade.   Johhny Silverhand has often sometimes been a target of terrorism due to being in a very popular band that makes alot of money and fame.   On 2 occasions he has had to approach R Torrison for help.   The first encounter was to locate and rescue his fiancee from a terrorizing gang in East District.   The second time was to employ a solo to work as his bodyguard for a while.

On the latter occasion, Johhny Silverhand had good reason to believe that one of his roadies was secreatly trying to have him killed off.  Silverhands suspiscions were proven correct, when Northstar was able to deduct that this was true. The culprate was captured and brought to justice.   The culprit was in actual fact an envious and bitter childhood friend of Silverhand.

Image influenced from:   Original design



(no image available yet)

Although Techies are not warriors either,  they however have more buisness as far as being yoked with Corps and Solo,s goes.   Very often Corps need Techies to create or tamper with machinary and electronics.   And sometimes Corps need Techies to work off site, where as then, Solo,s are needed to protect and accompany the Techies.   Otto is Hypegrinds number 1 Techie.   This is probably the only person ever that Hypegrind has offered employment and contracts to, who he cherrishes and respects well. As even Hypegrind appreciates that top notch Techies are much more seldom than top notch Solo,s.

Northstars only mission for Hypegrind was for the record, to accompany and protect Otto, so that both of them could intrude into a rival Corps premmises in order to decode a "high security data cartridge", so that Hypegrind could then use it in his own premmises.   Hypegrind did not take too kindly to Northstars incompitence as far as protecting Otto well. .

Image influenced from: Totally original, but the name was borrowed from Metal Gear Solid

The Golden Dragons


The Golden Dragons are not strictly speaking a gang.   They are more of a large chinease extended family or clan.   The Golden Dragons are not western gang cultured at all.   They are all originally rooted from Hong Kong. Every single one of them is Chinease.   They are led and trained by a grand master.   The Golden Dragons reside in China town of Night Cities East District.  They are all kung fu warriors and almost live like Shoulin Monks.

Although the Golden Dragons are good and law abiding citizens,  they can however be extremists when it comes to defending their honour and reputations.   Nightwolf found this out the hard way, when he answered back to one of them at a pit fighting arena. (The story to this is covered in Nightwolfs biography).   The Golden Dragons are the self proclaimed protectors of China town (even though Cyber cities police have appointed them a protector).   The Golden Dragons treat combat and fighting as a way of life, and as a result, very often hang out at pit fighting tournaments.

Very often this involves them mixing in with Solo,s, who sometimes go there to build up their reputation and bank balance.   The Golden Dragons are open minded when it comes to learning more combat techniques.  Very often they ask Solo,s to be taught new moves and in exchange they get invited to their home ground where their grand master teaches the solo,s techniques and wisdom. .

Image influenced from:  From martial art Hong Kong cinema movies, and to a degree, the one and only Bruce Lee

The Black Queens


Although the Black Queens are a gang, they are a good gang (like in The Warriors).   Not many good gangs exist, most gangs of this age are exactly the same as the ones worldwide from the past, totally greedy ruthless and ungodly.   Good gangs however came to be, from individuals that got sick and tired of having their lives terrorized by evil gangs, but being too powerless to fight back, due to strenght in numbers.

This inspired good decent law abiding indiviuals to all join up together, so they could all live harmonous lives, if they united thus evening up the playing feild, to fight back against evil gangs.   The motives for certain individuals uniting together was due to many reasons.   Ranging from, that they were all friends to begin with to, they were all one big family ,to,  they were all orphans, and this was a chance to be part of a family again.

What inspired the Black Queens to form is not known.   Solo,s are often targets from evil gangs (wanting to earn a quick boastable rep) but of course not from good gangs.   The Black Queens did offer friendship and alleigence with Nightwolf.   Both Nightwolf and Swan (the gangs leader) were both serving time in prison.   Nightwolf saved Swan from being stomped by a prison gang (one of the very few things he ever did that meritted him lol).   Swan in return offered him the gangs alleigence.   They helped Nightwolf and Death Adder escape from jail by getting the Black Queens to make a diversion.   When they met up again on the outside,  The Black Queens offered Nightwolf and his clique accomadation and minumul assistance, when Nightwolf had to do a mission that involved rescuing Johhny Silverhands fiancee from kidnappers.

Image influenced from:   From the movie The Warriors

The Back Alley Brawlers (B.A.B.)


The Back Alley Brawlers are pretty much, a group of voluntary vigilantes.   They are very much like New Yorks guardian angels.   The Back Alley Brawlers consist of ex military soldiers (ex, for what ever reason), ex police officers, ex prize fighters, or sometimes, even still active military soldiers.   The Back Alley Brawlers are led by Hawk.   Other members include John Ballock, and Gary Wood (RIP).   The Back Alley Brawlers tend to get on very well with good solos, as afterall, they are after the same cause after all.   Many good solos have often been pleasantly surprised by the B.A.B.,s suddenly appearing and coming to their rescue and inter-veining,  when placed into critical turmoil on missions.

And of course on the other side of the coin, many evil solo's and evil gangs have often suddenly had a stop put to their evil deeds courtesy of the B.A.B's.    The B.A.B.,s often like hanging out in bars, exchanging chit chat with good solo's and good gangs.

Image influenced from:   The Guardian Angels