West of Sunset:
Hunter Grayson's Homepage!
people have visited this page (the fools..I mean, uh, thank you).
Casablanca for $12.50?  From the Earth to the Moon for only $60.  Vertigo for $17.50  is offering 50% off their top 100 DVDs, hurry this might not last long.
Click individual titles above to buy or you can search for your movie by clicking here.
(You can finally pick up Exorcist: Special Edition and from what I hear, it's a keeper)

(OK -- it's a psuedonym) 
Well, who am I? Do you care? Probably not. The basic information -- I'm Ryan M., student at Webb, aspiring writer/director, film goer, critic, lover of all arts, former avid reader, recovering Acro-holic, sometime actor, sometime writer, etc. This page isn't about me, it's about my interests and my work. To get in touch with me, huntergrayson and variations on it are the rule. On firefly, leave a message for huntergrayson. Or in Acrophobia, search for huntergryson (just check the Alley). Or e-mail me at huntergrayson@hotmail.com. Of course, this is the under construction page. I really do know HTML, just need a frames capable editor. Lots more stuff to come. Essays, discussions of my favorite movies/books/music, reviews, DVD (Alien Petition will be re-instated), Acrophobia, etc...

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What's Here:
The Alley -- An Acrophobia Page:  Get Acro, get hooked, go to the Alley, then go here.

The Petition for the Alien Series on DVD:  Like the Alien movies?  Own a DVD player?  Want the best of both worlds?  Find out what you've been missing.

My Currents:
(What I'm reading, watching, listening to, etc.  E-mail me with suggestions, and tell me what the next discussion should be)
(* indicates the current discussion book/CD/movie, etc., pages up soon)
(Just click to buy and save up 40% from Amazon.com)
Book:  *A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again by David Foster Wallace. 

Music:  OK Computer by Radiohead. 

                Live Through This by Hole. 

                UP by R.E.M. .
               *The Best of 1980-1990 by U2. .

Movie: *The Sweet Hereafter, directed by Atom Egoyan, adapted from the novel
                 by  Russell Banks. (I highly recommend the DVD, but you can also buy it on
                VHS, widescreen or pan-and-scan, or hey, buy the book and tell me about
                 it -- yes, I know this seems like a blatant plug but I love this film.  Watch it
                with your loved ones: it's the perfect way to spend time with your family on
                a winter day. ).

Amazon.com- As they put it, the world's biggest bookstore. And CDs.
           And videos. And DVDs. And everything else you could possibly want to
           buy.   Or you can search right here: 
Search:  Enter keywords...

Amazon.com logo 

The Onion- A deviously wicked, perverse, and hilariously funny
           newspaper satire. So good, there's a Time article about them.

The Internet Movie Database:Everything you needed or wanted to
           know about the movies.

Lynchnet- All the latest info and news on David Lynch.  Hey, you might even discover what Lost Highway and Eraserhead are all about.  (hint: watch Vertigo and read the articles and interviews)

Salon Magazine: Great editorials, commentary, news and reviews.

Hecklers Online: The Interactive Top Ten list is one of the things that
           always brightens up my day. And they're owned by Playboy. Not that
           that matters or anything.

Widescreen Advocacy Page: Hey, what's up with those black bars?
           Without them you're missing over half of the picture. Find out why pan
           and scan should be avoided and more information on widescreen

The Digital Bits -- Indespensible resource if you have a DVD player.
           Buy one if you don't. I love the Sony S500-D.

 Charlton X's Homepage: Friend of mine's homepage. Great teacher,
           funny guy.

Like my page?  Hate it?  Got suggestions?
E-mail me!