Mexica Movement (Indigenous Movement of the People of Anahuac) THE MEXICA FLAG represents The Indigenous Movement of the People of Anahuac: Mexican, Central American, and "Native American" of Aztlan (the so-called "The Southwest"). THE SYMBOL AT THE HEART OF THIS MEXICA FLAG REPRESENTS OMETEOTL: GOD IN THE UNIVERSE Everything in our Mexica universe was and is this one thought: God, whom we called & call OMETEOTL, which means God in Duality, in our Nahuatl language. The black and white symbol at the center represents OMETEOTL, who is called Hunab-Ku in our Maya language. Our Mexica symbol concept of OMETEOTL is a representation of the prime dualities: Order-Chaos, Life-Death, Light-Darkness, Male-Female and then all of the other dualities of the Universe. THE FOUR COLORS OF THIS FLAG REPRESENT THE FOUR DIRECTIONS They are each symbolic of one of the four directions. They are each a direct manifestation of Ometeotl. Together they represent the totality of SPACE, the measurement of TIME and the body of Ometeotl, which is: the Universe, in all of its Existences. THE COLOR RED Representing the Direction: East. The First Direction. We were not oriented North like Europeans. Name: Tlaloc (Wine of the Earth). Representing the Element: Atl (Water). Animal Symbol: Tecolotl (Owl). Attributes: Birth and Rebirth. Other Manifestation: Xipe Totec (Spring). Calendar Name: Acatl (Reed). Symbol of World Creation: Naui Atl , the Fourth World. This world was destroyed by water. Home: East, where Tonatiuh (the Sun) rises in the company of warriors (to the noonday point). Celestial Symbol: Meztli (Moon). THE COLOR BLACK Representing the Direction: North. The Second Direction. Name: Tezcatlipoca (Reflecting Smoke). Representing the Element: Tlalli (Earth). Animal Symbol: Ocelotl (Jaguar). Attributes: Chaos, Destiny, Warriors' Arts, Creator of Earth. Other Manifestation: Mixcoatl. Calendar Name: Tecpatl (Flint, Knife). Symbol of World Creation: Naui Ocelotl, the First World. This world was destroyed by Jaguars (Earth Forces). Home: North, where Mictlan (Place of Death) is located in the last of the 9 Underworlds. Celestial Symbol: Cicitlantin (Stars). THE COLOR WHITE Representing the Direction: West. The Third Direction. Name: Quetzalcoatl (Feathered Serpent/Precious Twin). Representing Element: Ehecatl (Wind-Air). Animal Symbol: Quetzalcoatl (Feathered Serpent/Precious Twin). Attributes: Order, Knowledge, Art, Giver of Life to Humanity. Other Manifestations: Xolotl, Ehecatl, Xochipilli, and others. Calendar Name: Calli (House). Symbol of World Creation: Naui Ehecatl, the Second World. This world was destroyed by Wind-Air. Home: West, Warrior Women accompany the Sun from the noon point into its descent into the Underworld. Celestial Symbol: Tlalhuizcalpantecuhtli (the Morning Star). THE COLOR BLUE Representing the Direction: South. The Fourth Direction. Name: Huitzilopochtli (Hummingbird of the South). Representing Element: Tlachinolli (Fire). Animal Symbol: Cuauhtli (Eagle). Attributes: Time traveling through the fabric of Space. Other Manifestation: Tonatiuh (He Comes Shinning). Calendar Name: Tochtli (Rabbit). Symbol of World Creation: Naui Quiahuitl, the Third World. This world was destroyed by Rain of Fire. Home: South, Tlaloc's Heaven, one of the 13 heavens where all is joy and happiness. Celestial Symbol: Tonatiuh (The Sun) |
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