Welcome to Intrepid-Challenge Awards.

All bards are granted access in the name of Artemis and Athena. All guests are
welcomed to us also in the name of Dionysus. Our telling is the offering to
the deities and the pleasure of our hearts.

The Intrepid story challenge is a monthly
ongoing event that has just started.
This page will host the awards as well as
the links to all the contesting stories
and the winners.

Below is the navigation bar for the domain. Please enjoy the
Intrepid-Challenge pages and feel free to email the webmistress,
Sammy Lee, at: l.boren@swipnet.se. Thank you and enjoy.

Challenge Pages

Main Page
Rules & FYI's
Current Intrepid
Current Participants
Past Intrepids

Fans of Fate
The Athenaeum


Xena Fanfiction Links

Intrepid-Challenge managed by Sammy Lee
Site managed by Sammy Lee
Copyright 2003