Wuz up. We're the leohaters. Let us give ya a warnin' before you can read all the crap we've typed. IF you like Leonardo DiCRAPio, git outta our site, jest like we said in our title. cuz if ya don't, thin don't say that we didn't warn ya. Don't be sendin' no e-mail if yer gonna give us all that crap. This site's not suppsoed ta offend no one. If it does, then that ain't our problem. I jest updated this taday, and you're gonna see somethin so nasty, it's gonna makesure that leo luvers turn to the dark side.
we worked our asses off jest to insult 'im, and let us tell all of ya somethin', WE AIN'T LYIN' 'BOUT THIS PAGE. You like 'im, then yer jest like all of 'em. If ya watched titanic over 3 times, then, that's why you are a mental ass. He's like jest of 'em punks. We vowed to murder him over the internet. If you want to see reasons why Leo is gay, then just click on the 'reasons' text, and go in.
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