Entertainment Reality Standees
All Standees listed below are $39.95 and available now in the store.
- Christmas
- Princess Diana
- Spawn
- Spiderman
Star Wars
- Boba Fett
- Darth Vader
- Princess Leia (Slave Girl)
- Stormtrooper
And these standees are available for order at no extra
charge and will take 4-7 weeks to arrive.
- Marilyn Monroe (8 Designs)
- Norma Jeane
- Betty Grable
- James Dean (2 styles)
- John F. Kennedy
- George Bush
- Barbara Bush
- Bill Clinton (2 styles)
- Hillary Clinton
- Pepsi
- Santa Claus (2 styles)
- Mae West
- Laurel
- Hardy
- Abbott
- Costello
- Roy Rogers
- John Wayne
- Clint Eastwood
- Elvira
- Frankenstein
- Dracula
- Wolfman
- Jason
- Freddy Krueger
- Ernest
- Patrick Swayze
- Albert Einstein
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- Bozo the Clown
- Homey the Clown
- Spiderman
- Belle of Beauty & the Beast
- Betty Boop (2 styles)
- Popeye
- Brutus
- Olive Oyl
- Fred Flinstone
- Wilma & Pebbles Flintstone
- Barney
- Betty & Bamm-Bamm
- Dino & Kids
- Archie
- Jughead
- The Rocketeer
- Captain America
- The Punisher
- George Jetson
- Jane Jetson
- Judy Jetson
- Astro & Elroy Jetson
- Rosie
- Jason - Red Power Ranger
- Zach - Black Power Ranger
- Trini - Yellow Power Ranger
- Kimberly - Pink Power Ranger
- Billy - Blue Power Ranger
- Tommy - Green Power Ranger
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- Mitch
- Pamela Anderson
- Stephanie & Caroline
- Caroline
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Star Wars
- Luke Skywalker
- Princess Leia Organa
- Han Solo
- Yoda
- R2-D2
- C3P0
- Jawa
- Chewbacca
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Star Trek
- Starship Enterprise NCC-1701-D
- Starship U.S.S. Voyager
- Capt. Kirk
- Mr. Spock
- Dr. McCoy
to top
Star Trek: Generations
- Capt. Picard
- Admiral Kirk
- Lt. Worf
- Counselor Troi
- Lursa & B'Tor
- Dr. Soran
to top
Star Trek: TNG
- Capt. Picard
- Cmdr. Riker
- Cmdr. Data
- Lt. Worf
- Geordi LaForge
- Counselor Troi
- Dr. Crusher
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Star Trek: DS9
- Cmdr. Sisko
- Major Kira
- Miles O'Brien
- Dr. Bashir
- Lt. Jadzia Dax
- Security Chief Odo
- Quark
- Hugh the Borg
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Star Trek: Voyager
- Capt. Janeway
- Tom Paris
- Chakotay
- Harry Kim
- B'Elanna Torres
- Doc. Zimmerman
- Tuvok
- Kes
- Neelix
to top

1999 Entertainment Reality.