Hi well I finaly got around to put some pics up and if you want to send me your pics I'd be more than happy to put them up.^_^ Well more will come soon so keep writing and as Nefertiti would say,"May the gods be with you friend."
A pic of King Tut riding a lion A pic of the dwarf god bes Here's a pic of some amulets from the museum A pic of my character Nefertiti by Drakhen A couple of MA girls Nefertiti alive casting a spell I couldn't help myself I had to draw my character in the wild west Nefertiti alive by me Amy Boon transformed in armor Rakmire alive new drawing Rakmire transformed Nefertiti drawn in Armor by Bastet, thanx a bunch! Nefertiti Remembers her sister Amyaton in Egypt A little pic I drew. Nefertiti mummified Rakmire alive Kalia, Nefertiti,Lyris in a pic I drew
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