This Page is devoted to those kooky people who build bots. So I guess this page is also devoted to me. Neat! You'll notice this place will be a tad on the messy side to begin with, but with time I hope this will improve. Of course if you're planning on making a bot I strongly urge you to go out and buy the MST3k: Bot Building Booklet which is availble via the Info Club:). |
Now let's move onto that fabled help that I was going to give you... Well for starters, how'd you like the e-mail addy of Gary Glover? He makes nice bot parts and an even better pizza..: with permission of course) Another e-mail address to try is that of Ed Miarecki. He makes swell bot parts and I'm sure his pizza is every bit as good as Gary's. His e-mail is:Ed Miarecki(used with permission) Both of these bot builders have requested that I do not print their parts & price lists here. This is because their lists of parts are constantly changing. |
Link #1:The Mining Co: Mst3k Page The This page has links to nearly all of the Bot Building pages. Just go to the Bot Building link section and you'll find links to many places that can help you. They can't help me of course. I'm *WAY* beyond the point where anyone can help me. Link #2:eBayThis site offers auctions on all sorts of stuff. Including floralier sets! Link #3:Play MSTy for Me, Again!This page has parts, pictures, and links to people w/ parts. It's a one-stop Bot Building extravaganza! Oh who am I kidding? This link takes you to a place that has pornographic pictures of pre-teen nude robots! Link #4:Monte's MSTingsYou'll find a Bunch O' Neat(tm) stuff on this web site. Includding: A semi-kit for Gypsy (car seats and other assorted goods.. Only while supplies last), a article showing a visual history of the empire bowling pin, and some other assorted neat things. Link #5: The TS Builders & Bot Building GuideThis page's Bot Building message boardis a place to help facilitate you part transactions. That and uh.. Hey look a Three-Headed Monkey!! Link #6:The Testors Web Site This link brings you to the paint people. Who uh.. make paint. Link #7:The Sweety's Candies: Home PageYou're internet resource for loads of fattening candy.. And Tom Servo heads.. |
Now thanks to the wonders of technology, *I* have at least ONE feature *YOU* won't find on *ANY* other bot building page. *NOW* that I've *PLUGGED* myself enough here is what's new: The Want Ads Section: This page is proud to present you with the following Wanted posters, for those harder to find bot parts. If you have any items you'd like a poster for, please contact me with your request. In addition if you can find better pictures of the Cooper mask *PLEASE* contact me. Oh yeah, you'll need to write your name & address under the main text.
Otherwise, nobody will know how to contact you (this message was for the
people who are just plain rock dumb :) |
E-mail Me: