Assalaam Alai Kum,

This website is a response to everyone who has doubts and questions about my past. I have collected all the fact regarding my dealings with Husna and her family. Everything that is being presented on this website is a fact. All the emails, transcripts of AOL messages, cell phone text messages, voicemails, cell phone bills and pictures are authentic. Most of the documents are certified as well.

To be fair, I am going first script all my mistakes and then I will upload 400 plus emails of Husna, Ansar and I. Unfortunately, I might have to include some converses between me and other members of her family. Particularly the conversations I had between her mom and her sisters. I am also going to add a calendar with actual time and place of events. I am not going to include anything that I can’t prove it. If anyone has any questions regarding any of the material posted on this website then they can contact me. I am not a hypocrite and I am not going to deny anything. 

This website is pretty self explanatory. Be your own judge. If you think I am at fault, then I respect your decision.  This website is not to be shared or forwarded to any individual. It is an attempt to clear any misunderstanding that people have against me. It is also an attempt to stop all the slandering and defamation that Husna is practicing in Houston.

