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Stars of the Silver Screen

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Stars of the Silver Screen
-Highly Recommended General Reading Material-
January 1999

Films of Shirley Temple
#1 Most Recommended Book
No other book has so beautifully illustrated Shirley's career. Pictures on every film she's made.
Paperback, 1995 Re-Issue, Robert Windeler

Black Cinema Treasures: Lost & Found
How Blacks were behind many American Films and the birth of Black Cinema.
G. William Jones, 1997, 242pp

The Animated Film Collectors Guide: WorldWide Sources for Cartoons on Videotape and LaserDisc
One of the best and notably rare books on the market covering the how's and where's of getting cartoons and animated movies of every imaginable variety.
David Kilmer, 1998, 212pp, paperback

Cult Movies: The Classics, The Sleepers, The Weird, and The Wonderful

Making Movies

Micro-Budget Hollywood: Budgeting (And Making Feature Films For $50,000 to $500,000)

This Month's

Don't Buy It!
Leonard Maltin's 1999 Movie & Video Guide
Read your local paper review instead. Maltin tends to be very cynical.
Read this book, and you'll adopt a cynical view, too.

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