Laura's Sanctuary

Welcome to my Tomerider
Webpage here you'll find all you need to know about Laura Croft
and help you pass each level of the exciting adventure from Tomb
I Tomb II and youll discover the new Tombraider III were you decide Lauras next adventure. So do you
Think your up to a challange?? And if your not a Tomb addict you
will be!!!!! Here you'll also find great pics of laura and great
Thems for your PC but if your looking for Nude Rider you wont
find it here so just hit the back button!!
I got addicted to Tombrider
the first time a saw Laura running through that dark cave in Tomb
I when i saw here great cymetry with those legs and triangles i
knew I was hooked. If you like games that challange you every
step of the way this is it but if you like games like final
Fantasy VII this is not the game for you. So lets get over with
Hey i also got stuff about
the movie some great pics themes and a load of other stuff!
I hope you enjoy Laura's
adventures as much as i do : JPfrancai e mail me your comments at
09/03/98 02:26:11 PM