Apollo 11, 1969

Space ! , Peace! and Equal rights!--People's Power

     July 20,1969
Neil Armstrong," That's one small step for man-one giant leap for mankind."


     Vietnam War, 1964-1972

      From 1964 to 1972, the wealthiest and most powerful nation in the history of the world made a maximum military effort, with everything short of atomic bombs, to defeat a nationalist revolutionary movement in tiny, peasant country--and failed.(source: "A people's History of the United States 1492-Present", by Howard Zinn, HarperPerennial)


1960/In South Africa, anti-apartheid movements
OPEC was formed by Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait and Qarar
-In Vietnam, the National Liberation Fronnt was formed by Communist dissident groups called Vietcong.

1961/Fidel Castro's rule in Cuba becomes more communist and the U.S. breaks off diplomatic reletions.
-Soviet cosmonuat Yuri Gagarin is the firrst man to travel in space.
-The Berlin Wall was built

1962/American surveillance discovers Soviet missiles installed in Cuba.

1963/The government of South Vietnamese President was overthrown by anti-Communist officers on November in a military coup.

1964/North Vietnam attacked United States naval destroyers in the Gulf of Tinkin.

1965/President Johson ordered American troops to the Dominican Republic to prevent a Communist takeover.

1966/Mao Zedong begins the Cultural Revolution in China.

1967/The Six-Day Arab-Israel War ends on June 11th.

1968/Fearing revilution, Moscow bulks up its Soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia to 650,000 troops and sends instructions to Prague to ban all political clubs and introduce a censorship system.
-Music and Movie: the Beatles saved Peppeerland from the Blue Meanies. (movie:"Yellow Submarine", They,the Beatles/ St. Pepper lonely harts club bands saved the land's people with "love."This movie is created with vivid color and "Psyche" images! Don't miss it. )

1969/Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) begin between the U.S. and the USSR


***In the U.S.***

    Martin Luther King, Jr. and Dr. Benjamin Spock in downtown parade, 1967. National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution
In Aug. 28, 1963, Washington demonstration by 200,000 persons support of black demands for equal rights---
Dr. Martin Luther King: "I have a dream that one day on hte red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slaveowners will be able to sit down together at the table brotherhood."

On Nov. 22, in that year, President John F. Kennedy was shot and fatally wounded by as assassin as he rode in motorcade through downtown Dallas, Texas.

    In this decade, many African countries achieved independecy.



The U.S Presidents
1953-1961/Cwight D. Eisenhower
1961-63/ John F. Kennedy
1963-69/Lyndon B. Johnson
1969-1974/ Richard M. Nixon


1960/Movie: "Psycho" by Alfred Hitchcock
-The Student-Non-Violent Coordinating Commmittee (SNCC) was formed.(non-violent tactics to advance the civil rights movement)

1961/The Freedom Rides in Alabama (civil rights, movement--Bob Dylan's songs become symbolic of the civil rights movement.)
-Movie:"West Side Story", "The Hustler", and "Breakfast at Tiffany's".

1962/Racial tensions escalate.
-The U.S. space program is on the rise. -The first "Wal-Mart" openes.
-Marilyn Monroe dies.

1963/ The Beatles got their first U.S rock'n'roll hit with "I Wanna Hold Your Hand."

1964/The Civil Rights Bill was passed on July and called for an end to discrimination.

1965/Malcolm X, the famous militant leader for black power in the civil rights movement is shot and killed.
-Music: "[I can't get no] Satisfaction" bby the Rolling Stones, "Sounds of Silence" by Simon and Garfunkel, "Yesterday" by the Beatles

1966/TV: "Star trek" began aring on NBC.

1967/Anti-war sentiment increased.
-Riots for civil rights increased.
-Thurgood Marshall become the fisrt blackk Supreme Court justice.

1968/Martin Luther King is assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee.

1969/"The Woodstock music festival" reigns for four days in the Catskill Mountains.



   As you can believe it or not, until this era, colored people and women did not have euqal rights. People fought for peace, love and their equal rights.This civil movement continued 70s.


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