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"I guarantee you a really good show..." - Sandra Bullock, from Forces of Nature (she's offering to strip in a bar!) (6/17) Man it's been a long time. I'm sorry, with finals, work, and everything, I've had no time! Summer will be good, i'll update AT LEAST once a week, starting in two weeks, deal? LOL. So, much much going on, I haven't seen Sandy anywhere recently! She's been working on Gun Shy (more info later). I'm working on getting a page up for that. See ya soon! (5/8) Hey everybody! FON is just now getting into theaters in Europe. I hope they like it as much as we all did...right?? There isn't too much happening, just a little bit of Sandra popping up in various magazines. No covers as of yet, but when there are some I'll be sure to tell you all! Love Potion #9 was on tonite on TBS. I caught some of it. For those of you who haven't seen it, it's a nice little flick, and it's fun to see how Sandra looks in the beginning of it. Check out the teeth! It will be airing a few more times, so check out TV Now for times and channels! (4/15) Wow, it's been a month! I'm very sorry. anyway, there IS a winner of the trivia contest, and that is... Sarah C. of CA. Only 8 people out of the 32 who entered had the correct answer to the question: Which of Sandra's movies have grossed over $100 million? The answer is Speed, A Time To Kill, and now POE. Thanks to all who entered! In order news, I heard that Sandra called in the the Howard Stern show one day this week. I missed it, but anyone with info, feel free to email me. (3/19) AHHH!!!!! It's the big day everyone!! I just love days like this, don't you? FON opens today, so you all better go check it out, k? I'm going tomorrow, so there will be a review up here by Tuesday, promise. I have a lot of work to do. So, after you see FON, I want to know what you think. Just email me at meg_1515@hotmail.com and let me know what you think. I will post many of them over the next few weeks. Be sure to include the name you'd like to go by. In TGIF (a special section of East Coast paper Courier Post), there was a glowing review of FON. It receives 3 out of 4 stars and they said that Sandy gives a wonderful performance. When I put up my review next week, I'll include a transcript of that for you all. (3/14) Hey everyone! Only 5 more days til FON blows into your local theater. Later this week, I'll post a poll for you, to give me your opinion on FON. I'll put up my own review late next weekend, since I'm PLANNING on seeing it Friday. Hopefully, I will be able to. With a new film comes many TV appearances. On Tuesday, HBO will reair their special on FON at 8:15 PM. Check your listings for more times. Also, Sandy will be on the Today show Thursday. She'll appear on Rosie on Wednsday, and her Letterman show appearance will reair later next week as well. Also, Wednsday's Total Request Live on MTV will feature Sandy and later that day, FanAtic with Sandy will premiere. Get your VCRs ready! (3/9) Hey! Sandy was just on ET about an hour ago. She has this kick ass new hair (very short) and she talked about FON, marriage and kids. She promised the interviewer that she'll have kids and that she's been "practicing". Hmmm....??? Anyway, FON opens in 10 days! Yay! That means you have 9 days to answer that trivia to be in the contest. Only 3 people are in the drawing (who got it right), so your chances are still good. BTW, people: When you submit, try answering the trivia, k? Some people just send me a blank form!! Peace (2/14) Happy hearts day everyone! Well, there's only a little more than a month until the big day! Only two people have correctly answered the trivia, so I'm keeping it up until March 18th. The winner will be annouced the next day, when FON blasts into theaters. Speaking of FON (and when am I not?), I found a site with loads of pics, so enjoy. (2/7) Hey! The official release date for FON is going to be March 19th, so mark your calendars now, ok? This Thursday, Sandra will be on The Late Show with David Letterman, at 11:35 P.M. EST. All you nightowls, don't forget to tune in. Of course, everyone else can just set their VCR timer. Don't miss her, those interviews are always hysterical! One more thing...over 20 people have entered the contest, and NO ONE has gotten the right answer! One hint: the answer is NOT just Speed; there's one more. Hint, hint... (1/16) You know that annoying little man who thinks he can tell people whether or not they are bad or good dressers? Yeah, it's that sadly dressed man named Mr. Blackwell. A few years ago, he put Sandy on his best dressed list with high praises. This year, he called her a "Victorian lamp shade on the loose." She's #9 on the worst dressed list! Sandy, I think you always look great whenever I see you! Sandy is currently in talks to star in the movie "28 days", about a woman convicted of drunk driving and forced to go to rehab. No one knows when it would be out, but Sandra looks to be the top choice for the lead.[Sign my Guestbook] [ Links] [ Biography] [Film Reviews] [Poll] [Filmography] [Quiz] [Images] [Hope Floats] [Practical Magic] [The Prince of Egypt] [Quotes]![]()