Hong Kong Action to the fullest

Hong Kong Action to the fullest


Welcome to the Hong Kong Action to the fullest site, where John Woo and Chow Yun Fat represent Action to the Fullest

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The A-team

John Woo
The director of every thing action, you gotta love those akimbo pistols.
Chow Yun Fat
Smooth bad ass muthaf***a from Hong Kong, the quienessential action star.

When you combine these two lethal weapons, you get an in yer face Action-packed flick. If you never heard of John Woo or Chow Yun Fat (shame on you) I recommend these awesome movies.

  • Hard Boiled
  • The Killer
  • Full Contact
  • A Better Tomorrow
  • A Better Tommorw II
  • Once a Thief

Chow Yun Fat's 2nd U.S. film, boo-yah.


Chow Yun Fat is currently working on his next film, Anna and the King, he is on location in Malaysia. Here's some info I got from CYF:God of Actors: Anna and the King (Action/Adventure) (Start March) Shooting in Malaysia, London, England; Farang Films Ltd., No. 219 Jalan Gopeng, 31350 Ipoh, Perak; Fox 2000 Pictures, 10201 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035 - 310-369-1000; Cast: Jodie Foster, Chow Yun-Fat, Bai Ling, Randall Duk Kim; ExPrd., Terry Clegg, Terence Chang; Prd., Lawrence Bender, Ed Elbert; CoPrd., Jon Jashni; Dir., Andy Tennant; Scr., Steve Meerson, Peter Krikes, Andy Tennant, Rick Parks; Ed., Roger Bondeui; UPM, John Phelan, Leila Kirkpatrick; AD, Scott Printz, Mahathir Tahir; PrdDsgn., Luciana Arrighi; Art, John Ralph; Set, Ian Whittaker; Cstm., Jenny Beavan; PrdCoord., Elaine Burt; SFX, Steve John; Publ., Claire S. Raskind; Dstrb, 20th Century Fox


John Woo has been selected to direct "Mission Impossible 2", boy the 1st Mission Impossible sucked, its about time Mission Impossible got some real action...So you like the Woo/CYF combo, and would like a reunion between the two?, well Woo and CYF will be reunited in a film called "King's Ransom" the latest news has the filming pushed back as late as early '99. The film is descried as an action/comedy, "King's Ransom" is based on an orginal screenplay by Larry O'Neil and will be produced by Chris Godsick and Terence Chang.


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