On raising his two children, Romy and Jack:
"It is very, very important that I take them back to Ireland every
year. It's so easy to get caught up in the mass culture here. It's important
that they know they have another tradition and a heritage that is a gift to
On his former wife, Ellen Barkin:
"I know that I will have a relationship with this woman until the day I
die. I have tremendous loyalty to her. She's the mother of my children. How
could I be nasty or vindictive to her?"
On his profession and success:
"People who believe that being incredibly famous or wealthy or powerful
is going to make them happier are on a fool's mission. I'm famous enough, that
suits me fine. The relentless emphasis on celebrity in this country drives me
around the fucking bend. The new religion is celebrity, but nobody stops to
question what it means when you achieve it. Honestly, I'm very scared of the
whole notion of fame. You take it on at your own peril."
On Catholicism:
"The elimination of guilt is one of the biggest battles I have to wage
with myself."
On playing the accordian:
"It's not the most salubrious of instruments. A guitar is so much more
On his home in Beverly Hills:
"Because I live outside my own culture, I bring with me things that
mean something to me, so there isn't anything in here that doesn't tell a story.
"Perhaps we are not meant to know some things, for
that is life too. A seeking. It may be our only purpose here."
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