Last Updated:
May 14th, 2003.

05/15/2003: It took a while, but I have again updated the movie page, adding several new reviews, including X-Men 2 and the Matrix sequel. To access the reviews, click HERE to check them out!

03/25/2003: I have finally updated the movie page again, adding seven reviewed films! To access the reviews, click HERE to check them out!

08/28/2002: Pictures from this years Lotus Fesitval are now online. To check them out, click HERE.

08/15/2002: New photos from my trip to Jeju Island are now online! To check them out, click HERE.

07/20/2002: New photos from my trip to SOUTH KOREA are now online! To check them out, click HERE.

07/19/2002: A few photos from my recent graduation from Memorial University are not online. To check them out, click HERE.

07/19/2002: To see a cool photo of the entire Lowry Clan from a recent wedding that most of us attended, click HERE.

Since January 1st, 2002

people have visited this site