


The are the characters pairings in the story click on them to see who they are. Also there is only one secondary character you'll meet him on the end of the page.  also the real people who play the characters are as follows:

Michael Biehn stars as Chris Larabee  Kate Winslet stars as Rosalie Daniels

Eric Close stars as Vin Tanner             Rebecca Gayheart stars as Shannon O'Hare

Dale Midkiff stars as Buck Wilmington  Heather Locklear stars as Drew Parker

Andrew Kavoit stars as JD Dunne         Clair Danes stars as Sandra Rose Kelner

Anthony Starke stars as Ezra Standish    Catherine Zeta Jones stars as Cilvia Martino

Ron Perlman stars as Josiah Sanchez      Rose McGowan stars as Lissa Kay Albright

Rick Worthy stars as Nathan Jackson     Destiny's child stars as Bay Rose Freeman

Rosalie and Chris.jpg (46829 bytes)          VinShannon.jpg (50769 bytes)     BuckDrew.jpg (50109 bytes)

EzraCilvia.jpg (51114 bytes)        JDsandra.jpg (48082 bytes)      JosiahLissa.jpg (42000 bytes)

NateandBay.jpg (41541 bytes)




Randal "Randy" James Parker is 15 years old and 

the youngest of the Parker kids. He is Drew's baby brother.

 Randy is a good kid but very protective of those he cares for.

 He wants most for his brothers to be proud of him and not treat 

him like a child. He looks up to his brothers and wishes he could 

be like them. Randy is tall stands about 6 feet, has piercing blue

 eyes and weighs around 150. Randy can be a prankster and 

sometimes doesn't think before he acts.



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