*~regret is gone~*
regret can eat you alive
can tear you to shreds
my heart can't hold on
to regret
no more what if's
i throw them in the sea
and try to walk away this time
with nothing more to fear
really what i want
is to just breathe in and out
to watch the days go by
sometimes alone
and other times by someone's side
who i choose to watch the sunset with
and to sing to
maybe my choices wouldn't be yours
somedays they aren't even mine
but there are times
when it all fits
every moment somehow is okay
i smile
and then there are shadows
the sun always brings them out
so i can jump on them
or chase them
but you can't run away from them
they are there even in the darkness
why be afraid of tommorow
instead i think i'll dance
run about on the sand
celebrate the me ia m
even when i fuck up in everyway
for this is all i am
reasons and reality
i can be a friend to them
and let them go sometimes
floating thru the air
resting at times at your door
on your shoulder
in the hearts of those i love
on a whirlwind
in the wings of a bird
under the sea
back in time
and leading me to whatever is to come
the unknown
it doesn't frighten me today
bring it on
reach and grow
but don't regret
not anymore

*just between~*
just between you and me
i like to eat ice cream from the carton
sometimes commercials make me cry
movie previews give me chills
the scent of vanilla is how my pillow smells
and i'm feeling kind of sleepy

just between you and me
i never had a happy childhood
playing monopoly on a sunday makes me smile
coconut in smoothies makes me gag
the dreams i have are always in full colour
and i hate to wake from them

just between you and me
i need to change things often, my hair, my life
midnight is a funny time to change a day over
balloons never stay in my hands
the prices of magazines are too high
and i wish i had more money

just between you and me
i love you
for all the little things you are
secrets, laughter, love
the way you obsess over t.v. shows
and the way you just know me

*~here with me now~*
in the pocket of my coat
on the wall in my room
in the corners of my heart
you are here with me now
miles and hours
and train rides apart
different worlds and new meanings
but your still in my sky
faded and jaded and lost
but young and beautiful and memorized
you are here with me now
in the lining of my dress
on the wall in my mind
in the way and in between
you are here with me now
