Master ball:
This takes alot of practice. When throwing a Pokeball hit up
does work.

Free coins:
While in the casino, walk around an reapetedly tap A. Ever
once and a while you find coins. ASH found___coins The most I have gotten is
100 coins.

To acces the 151th pokemon Missingo, go to the man that shows you how
to catch a Weedle. Ask him to show you how. Then fly directly to Cinnibar
Island and surf up the the left coast of Cinnibar Island. You should soon
come across Missingo! Use your
weakest Pokemon because his defence really stinks. If you beat him thats
okay, your 6
item in your item list will be duplicated 100 times! If you put him in the
computer after a while he well turn into a Rhydon. If you keep him for a
while he will start to erase your screen. So I would defeat him and keep the
100 items. Good luck!

Fight Safari Pokemon:
To fight and capture Pokemon outside the Safari zone
first go to the park. Let time run out when you're in a patch of grass which holds
the Pokemon you want to catch. Step back outside and use FLY to Fly back to
Cinnibar Island. Using surf, surf up and the right side of the shoreline, where you are on half land half
water. You should then enter battles with some of the Safari Zone Pokemon!

Clone Pokemon:
You need a friend with a link. Trade the Pokemon to be cloned and have your friend get
Pokemon they do not care about. Trade them, and make sure the person getting the
weak and common Pokemon can see the others screen. When the recevier of the good Pokemon
screen says "waiting", turn off the Gameboy that is getting the bad Pokemo. When
you turn the game back on, you should have both powerful Pokemon, but the weak Pokemon is gonr forever.
WARNING!This can erase your game!

During rest in 2 turns it will restore your health completely. Use the PokeFlute and wake up your Pokemon
after 2 turns and you will be ready to go!

Always save before fighting, that way you can restart if you lose.

Hidden Mew Truck:
You can not get Mew wihtout a gameshark. You have to not get on the S.S. Anne.
Instead have a friend trade you cut. Do not try the Blackout it does not work for this code, it also takes away
half your money. So dont do it. Anyways you need to go get the badges for surf and strength.
And get surf and stregnth also. Go back to the S.S. Anne, and after you pass the gaurd and can see the S.S.Anne, surf
to the right and use strength and move the truck. A pokeball with mew awaits!

Gone Fishing(For Gyarados!):
While in the Unknown Dungeon fish in the spot of Mewtwo like 3 or 4 times and catch a Level 70 Gyrados!

Catch MissingNo:
First you have tocatch a pontya from the Pokemon Mansion(Cinnibar Island)
Next you trade the Professer in the 3rd floor of the Lab he will want a Ponyta in exchange for a seel named Sailor, Surf up and down the east side
of Cinnibar Island. You should see a black screen that lasts for 3 to 4 seconds.MisssingNo willl appear. Keep in mind he will always look disorted
because he is very weak. Use your weakest Pokemon and use a Ultra Ball. This is the only Missingo Pokemon that does not mess up your game.

Green Pikachu:
If you have a color Game Boy rename your Pikachu Pikachan, and it will be green!

Easy Ditto:
Take out a Magic carp, when the Ditto transforms, switch Pokemon and throw a Pokeball. Presto!

Hold select while at the slots, now you have a better chance.

To get Electrichu go to Cinnibar Island(Is this code Island or what?) and trade your Riachu for a Electrode. Then fly to unknown dungeon and catch a level 64
Raichu. Then fly back to Cinnibar Island and trade the man again then use a Thunder Stone on the Electrode you just got.

If you duplicate your Ultra ball you can sell sell sell!

Get all 151 pokemon and go to Mt. Moon and there you find a Pikablu!

Chrona Mew:
To get Chrona Mew, go to the Seafoam Island and use the Itemfinder to find the Mist Stone. There is only 1 and it is very hard to find. When you get it, use it on Mew.

Bill's Mountain:
Get all Pokemon and go to BILL and have your Pokemon in this order-Dratini, Draginair, Dragonite, Zapdos, Articuno, and Moltress
then he will let you on his mountain.

Dragon Cave:
Teach all the Pokemon all the Hm,s and bring them with you to the Safari Zone. Go to the hidden house and the guy there will let you in the Dragon Cave!

All the slot machines have different odds, which chang every time. Play at each machine 4 times, if it hits 2 or more, than stick to that one, because it is probally hot.
If the machines forces you really close to a 777 or a Bar Bar Bar than it will probally give you one sooner or later.

Phantom PC:
It is a code for a Invisible Pc no big deal, forget about it.

There are such things as Pokegods. To get them beat the Elite four- 30 times without talking to anyone between the nurse at the Pokecenter and the river. On the thirtieth time Professer Oak will say,
"I am getting tired of this" and will let you go to a secret city where people trade and Collect Pokegods.

To get Topedgy: Beat the game without saving 11 times (Yes,
On your 11th timehave a level 100 Eggsecuter at the safari zone the
first Pokemon that appears will be Topedy!

The Yoshi code does not work!
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Last updated 10/1/99
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