My Survey and Guest Book

Ryan Rickenbach's "I want to know you" Survey

Hello, again,
This is my Survey. I made it for fun. I will find someone that has the same hobbies as you and match you up for like a Pen-Pal thing. (Preferably Family) If some of this material you find two personal, skip it. After that there is also a Guestbook. Sign It please!

The purpose of this survey is to collect information from you so you can start having a "Electronic Buddy" If you find any of this material to personal, skip it. Thank you. :)



Fill out the information in each section as requested. Then at the end of the form supply your name and contact information, and submit the form. You will receive a confirmation message from us shortly.



  1. What is your favorite TV show?

  2. How many hours of television do you watch per week?

    None 1-5 hours 5-10 hours 10-20 hours More than 20 hours

  3. We would like to send you a newsleter. Please enter name and e-mail address.


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  1. How would you rate this survey so far?

    Bad Poor Fair Good Excellent

  2. What is your favorite color?

  3. Select the subject areas you are most interested in:


  4. Are you a member in the Ryan's Pages Program? If yes, please put user-name and password. If no, please skip.

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  1. Which of our products do you currently own?
    IBM          Color Printer TV
    Compaq       Printer       TV with cable
    Packerd Bell Fax           Radio   
  2. Select a month from the following list, month day and year of birth.

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Thank you for taking the time to answer the questions in my survey.

Please allow 2-8 weeks for Pen-Pal

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Last updated 10/1/99
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