Welcome to my Guestbook!

Heva - 08/12/99 15:56:41
My Email:h.marshallyouknow the rest...
Comment: Don't Leave me this way

Don't leave me this way I can't survive can't stay alive without you near oh don't leave me this way....Ahh baby my heart is full of joy and its because of you... See you leave and I start quoting the communards on the internet! Have a good one babes Hevs xxx

Calum - 05/21/99 08:19:30
Comment: My Word

Hiya Kate, I'd just like to congratulate you on having one of the best sites I've ever seen. See You.

Hazel Byron - 04/27/99 01:45:08
My Email:hazelbyron@hotmail.com
Comment: Move over Spice Girls!

What a fab page, I'm impressed !

Lucy Thomas - 03/11/99 16:33:44
My Email:lucy.thomas@smees.co.uk
Comment: You have been visited by the mighty one!

Great page! You have converted me - Kevin's a bit of alright really (well, I wouldn't say no)! Well done girl!

Pest - 03/10/99 15:19:55
My URL:http://www.nonexistent.co.uk

Kate - I'm v. concerned about your nephew Alex. It looks like he's being strangled, poor child...

Garice - 03/07/99 17:50:49

My God Kate.....I cannot believe you did it ! I'm on the Internet ! Nice one. Good on ya Ginger Spice.....

James - 02/12/99 16:34:59
My Email:majictorch@aol.com

What's all this about penguins? Oh, and say Hi! to Heva.

Duncan - 01/29/99 16:51:24
My Email:You know

Wonderful Kate. I especially like the Woolly Sheep. They rock.

Sarah-Jane - 01/28/99 12:14:38

Great, but....who is this Spacey character?!!!

sven - 01/25/99 12:47:01
My Email:akesson@pacific.net.id
Comment: good one kate!


Tom - 01/14/99 13:17:43

Fantastic! I've never seen so many penguins in my life!

Sean McNulty - 12/16/98 01:59:12
My Email:bt5156@hotmail.com
Comment: Bula Vanaka!

I am very honoured to visit your web page. It is an honour that i am sure will be taken to my grave. Thank-you so much. I need to be alone now. Bye. Sean

Darbi Holcomb - 12/09/98 04:13:08
My URL:/Southbeach/Jetty/7180/Darbi3.jpg
My Email:darbi_holcomb@hotmail.com

Hey! Nice page! I know you're probably wondering who the heck I am--your web page address is my old one (I deleted it)...It was still in my bookmarks and I thought I'd see who had taken over my place! Looks good! Keep it up!

Calum - 12/01/98 14:28:33
My Email:MacPheC@aol.com

Wow, this page is really cool. Keep it up.

ben (again) - 11/26/98 19:30:19

far too much about kevin spacey, make more spacey for more penguins

ben - 11/26/98 19:24:43

good page

Duncan Chappell - 11/23/98 13:23:59
My Email:you know it

The penguins are looking good. They are hot!

mike - 11/12/98 18:21:27
My Email:mshaw@tidewater.net
Comment: good job!

who knew that you would ever figure out how to do this! where are the naked ladies? That's what this page really needs!!! :) only joking!

- 11/07/98 16:13:47

This is the coolest page on the web...three cheers!

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