As I'm sure many realize I haven't been able to update this site in many years.  My love of Jennifer's work hasn't diminished but I'm afraid the time I have to devote to this site did quite awhile ago and all the best intentions I had to update the site fell by the wayside.  Moreover with the growth of her career I find keeping up with all the information out there overwhelming.  When I started the site finding articles and info on Jennifer was a rarity--it hardly is anymore!  This is a good thing!  However, Jennifer remains to me a rare gem.  At this point I at least have the time to write this note to thank everyone who has visited the site and geocities for hosting it.  Congratulations to Jennifer for all the success she has had in recent years--keep going to her movies!   


I would commend you to the Jennifer Connelly Center for a well maintained and informative site on this wonderful actress.


Jim Mannan  9-4-05

Winner--Best Supporting Actress
Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences
("The Oscar") for

A Beautiful Mind

"Hello--Okay. I brought paper because I didn't want to forget. Thank you to the members of the Academy for this honor. By some beautiful twist of fate I've landed in this vocation that demands that I feel and helps me to learn. No film has moved or taught me more than A BEAUTIFUL MIND. Thank you to all of our magnificent cast and crew for their invaluable collaboration and most especially to Ron Howard and to Russell Crowe. Thanks to all the artists who have inspired me and the list is too long. Thanks to my dearest ones, Risa Shapiro, Kelly Ross and my friends. I believe in love--that there is nothing more important. Alicia Nash is a true champion of love--so thank you to her for her example. My son Kai is for me the greatest messenger--and so thank you to him for all of our days. Thank you very much."