hello, you there! After the Mail, a new form of going to the world...
Thank you very much for your visit! This page is dedicated to my wife Rose Angela! I hope to count always with your presence, because every month will have a lot of innovations for here! Don't lose!
I adore my penpals of everybody, my family, my students, Xuxa, Ana Paula (Paulinha), Edna, Sandra, Renata, Rose, Mabel, Mari, Carlinha, Jennifer, Mirisa, Kazumi, Karol, Internet, Pictures, Video, MIDI, MP3, DVD-ROM and VIDEO, Videokê, Postal, Stamps and this wonderful universe of the computer science.
I dislike hypocrisy and I feel people's closed mind feather!
That Peace, the Love, the Health and the Happiness is a constant in your life! With love,
Edhy |