I really have no reason to have a webpage except I get bored and have a super computer of my roommates to mess around with with my down time.

My question to you:
What kind of things do you think about.  Can you speak of them?
Do your thoughts scare you?
Are you worried about something unknown within. 
Do you think you may have a health problem but are scared to go to the doctor?
Are you sick of being stubborn?
Do you let people abuse you?
Have you been to hell and half way back?
When was the last time you went to the dentist.
Does it hurt when you see certain objects for no reason?  Perhaps repressed memory
Do you prefer solitude or company or company that feels like solitude?
Do you have a job?
Do you go to school?
Do you like it?
Can you type fast?
Do words seem more and more unimportant the more you read questions?

Did you answer out loud?

Inside yourself is a untapped treasure,
Get closer with less unneccessary pleasure,
Buddah my man you son of a bitch where is my Bee Costume< I SAID YOU COULD HAVE IT FOR HALLOWEEN BUT YOU HAVE TO GIVE IT BACK>  BUDDAH BUDDY> give it to jesus he can give it satan and then drop it off at one of my friends' house but i need it back i need to BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.  or shall i say buzz.  all night starring at a monitor cannot be healthy but i just had a sweet time tonight and haven't done this all night up on computer thing since i was jobless. quite frankly i actually can say i like my job for the first time in a long time.  i've been meeting super radical human beings.  When did i become such a social nut bag?

I listened to Apollo 13 by They Might Be Giants 9 times in full today at work.  I almost got sick of it but I didn't.  I love that tape so very very very much. Almost as much as I love you. Yeahhh.
My name is Justin and here I am...
DUDES Mike Doughty does a song with TMBG. this song  rules: called your mom's alright.  wow this kicks ass.  how ironic.  i swear i died and my brain won't stop. continuous infinite thought physically manifesting.  once you stop thinking you die.  that's why you should be careful when you drink. you don't think.  then your temporarily dead and do things "you" wouldn't do.  ever.  and must pay consequence for your damn drunk stupid ass self.  i figured it out.  "don't drink", ever. life get's better, your mood is better and you can get cool things done.  weezer starts sounding cool again. tired of sex.  pinkerton. baby
Mindless Self Indulgence November 23 at the Quest
They Might Be Giantst - Wild Rumpus Books, in store performance and signing December 8th, 7 pm. 
Stuff I need to remember but you can read if you feel like being nosy after all I am putting it on public display...

~ Get microphone and effects pedal and spend one hour sounding like an alien.  one hour no more no less

~  Fix guitar, bass, and nostrils

~  Smile for you are happy

~  Eat good fruits and vegetables, grease is really gross, you realize this when you clean the grease catcher m-f 

~  Fuckin shit, forget the horrible thoughts, once you embrace them and accept them which is a hard thing to do but you can get better with practice.  Let's try out loud:

I accept the fact I live in a chaotic world.
I accept the fact my surrounding situations, environment, and humans of influence, personally, musically and politically effect me.
I accept I am me and will be gone soon enough so let's enjoy this life. 

I must remember to go to first avenue and watch mike doughty. oh boy oh boy oh boy
Links Anyone?

and I'm not Jack Handy

SLN - band

You Suck


Thank You

If I could tell you the things.
Those things
Those things

The things I can't stop thinking in this head. 
This greasy head
This messed up head

Look at my eye

Other than it's right, to the right, below.
Greasy Forehead

You can almost see my brain.

But it is mine as yours is yours and only we know our thoughts. unless...........