Welcome to Macaruin's Home. |
Welcome to my Homepage. I'm Macaruin to my cyberfriends, Judy to the rest of the world. I've collected a few pages that involve my real-life friends and my Highlander friends.
Highlander you say? Yes, the television series Highlander brought me to a world of friends, conventions and cyberspace, for which I'll be forever grateful. |
click on me to see my family |
My Highlander obsession started about 4 years ago, when I came across this amazing show on USA. The premise is immortality and who wouldn't find that appealing? Not only is there romance, history, humor, compassion and amazing sword fights, but some of the best looking men around, most notably Adrian Paul as Duncan MacLeod. |
Click on the Highlander to see my Adrian Paul sites. |
Through Highlander I've met many amazingly wonderful people. I've been to two conventions and I'm headed to two more this coming year. Here are a few of my friends. I belong to a group known as the Clan MacWench, a fun and wonderful group of ladies that get together in cyberspace and at conventions. I'm so lucky to call these ladies my friends. |
click on --> the pic to see my MacWench pictures |
My Highlander Friends in Denver at HL G5 Con. |
A Wench in London. |
Wolf Legacy HL convention in London Nov. 99 |
Adrian in Denver, G5. |
My oldest son Joshua passed away in Sept. 97. A special friend built and maintains this lovely memorial to my son for friends to write prayers, poems and well wishes. Its truly a wonderful place and I treasure it dearly. |
In my real, everyday life, I have a group of friends "The Birthday Club". We all met through our employer and have been friends for many, many years. We always celebrate a member's birthday and have a great time. Fun ladies. Enjoy some of our lunchtime parties. |
My McGath cousins at a family wedding. |
My sons & the pets that rule us. |
Hi, email me! |