TLC Newz and Info...

First off, I wanna apologize for the lack of updates to this site for the past two weeks. My computer has been giving me shit, so I've been unable to work on the page. However, I've got it all fixed now so it's time to fill y'all in on what's been goin down.

Left Eye's album was in fact put up on on August 16th. All the tracks are available for listening and I'm really impressed. Left Eye's LP is everything I hoped it would be and more and I'm really proud of her. It's definetly her best rhymes yet and I really hope she goes places with this album. To listen to the album's full audio directly from her currently developing site, click here.
The album's expected release date is now October 23rd.

On August 20th, Left Eye was a presenter on the 2001 Teen Choice Awards. She and David Boreanaz
of Angel prsented Favorite TV Personality. I didn't see the show and I don't think it will re-run. You can
check Left Eye on the red carpet in the pic at the right.

As y'all know, Left Eye's album did not come out on the 14th. The new supposed release date is
October  9th. Reasons for pushing the album back include putting finishing touches on some of the
tracks, and  perhaps recording more. There also maybe a new album cover. In addition, several
more tracks of the album have been leaked to the internet, "Life is Like a Park", "Head to the Sky",
"I Believe In Me" and  "Let Me Live". I've heard all four - they're all uplifting with pretty serious
content. I'm not going to go into  too much detail about them, because I'm sure Left Eye didn't want them getting out in the first place - all I'm gonna say is so far so good. I heard a rumor that the album is going to be broadcast on her upcoming official site,, on August 16th at
around midnight, but I don't know how being that they're planning on doing some changes on the LP before it comes out. Maybe they'll just play it as it is at the moment, but I doubt it. I guess we'll find out soon.

Left Eye is on the cover of the September 2001 issue of Honey Magazine. The three page article/interview with her talks about her album, her relationship with Andre, and how she's grown up through the years. There are five beautiful new pictures (two seperate cover shots, two full page photos inside, and two smaller photos inside) as well as a picture of her and Andre at the pre-Grammy party last year and a picture of TLC at the 1999 Kids' Choice Awards.

I've been away on vacation for awhile, so I haven't been able to update the site.
But I'm back now, and a lot has happened since I've been gone. First off, I know y'all
caught TLC tearin' up the stage at the MTV 20: Live and Almost Legal concert on
August 1st. They performed "Waterfalls" and as always hooked it up with the tight dance
moves and blazin' outfits. They are also currently the leaders in the Best Performance Poll

I recently heard that TLC has signed a contract to do a show for MTV's returning series, Unplugged. The show is set to take place on August 19. It will be airing (supposedly) sometime this coming September.

There is a 2-page article about Left Eye in the September 2001 issue of Vibe Magazine. The main focus of the article is about how Left Eye changed her life and bettered herself by visiting a healing center in Honduras. The article also mentioned an upcoming book about her experiences there (tentatively-titled
Open) her relationship with Andre and how she convinced him to turn his life around as well, her album, and TLC. It includes a full-page picture of her with Andre from their Vibe photo shoot last year, a photo of her in Honduras, a small picture of TLC back in their Ooooooohhh... days, and one of her at the 2000 MOBO awards which she hosted.

More Newz....
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*BLaZiN TLC* pRoDuCtioNz.
CoPyRiGhT *BLaZiN TLC* 2000-01
* i KeEpZ iT BLaZiN, iTz sO aMaZiN..*

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Song of the Week
(Week of September 2, 2001)

What About Your Friends -
Don't agree? Then VOTE for ThE TLC *UniVeRsE* Song of the Week!

Quote of the Week
(Week of September 2, 2001)

"If a guy doesn't like you, realize you're not meant to be with him. I was in a bad relationship for five years, and I asked myself, 'Okay, would it hurt more to stay in something bad, or to leave and know I'll be happy again one day?' Time does heal." - T-Boz (YM Magazine, May 2000)

Pic of the Week
(Week of September 2, 2001)

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To the haters -

This website is for people who love TLC. If you don't like them, please dont waste your time going to the guestbook or message board and posting negative comments and bullshit about them. If you ain't got nothing better to do than go to websites of celebrities you don't even like, then that's your problem - but don't make it mine.
This website owned by: Nicole La Capria
Last Updated: September 1, 2001
All content copyright *BLaZiN TLC* pRoDuCtiOnz 2000-01.
*i KeEpZ iT BLaZiN...iTz sO aMaZiN...*


What's Hot and In Store...

- Completed Videography, Tour and Acting Sections.
- Complete Audio
- More Desktops
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Site Awards ...

Due to problems with my computer, I've been unable to choose Site of the
Month of Fan of the Month winners at this time. Please look for the September
winners to be announced shortly..

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The Latest ....

September 1, 2001:
-Updated News.
August 15, 2001:

-Updated News.

August 8, 2001
-Updated News.
July 30, 2001
-Updated News.
-Added "Block Party" and "Hot" lyrics.

July 18, 2001
-Added pics to Left Eye galleries.
-Updated News.

July 13, 2001