Welcome to my gym guide. I will tell you about all 8 gym leaders here. If you want to see the Elite 4 and Gary, click here.

Name: Brock

Gym: Pewter City Gym

Badge: Boulder Badge

Pokémon: Geodude L.12 , Onyx L.14

Element: Rock

Items Recieved: TM34 Bide

If you started with Squirtle or Bulbasaur, you should have an easy time of beating Brock. If you started with Charmander, you should probably pick up a grass pokémon on your way to Brock's gym. If your pokemon have higher levels than his, you should have no trouble beating him. Fire, ice, electric, poison, rock and flying types will have a hard time with him, but fighting, ground and grass will find it easy.

Name: Misty

Gym: Cerulean City Gym

Badge: Cascade Badge

Pokémon: Staryu L.18 , Starmie L.21

Element: Water

Items Recieved: TM11 Bubblebeam

If you started with Charmander, you will have a very hard time with Misty. You should use that strong grass type pokémon you used for Brock. Squirtle should be okay against her water types. Bulbasaur will find it really easy to beat the water type pokemon Misty has, so long as he uses grass/plant type attacks. Fire, ground, rock, fighting and poison types will have a hard time against Starmie, but water, electric, grass, dragon and psychic type pokémon can beat her easily.

Name: Lt. Surge

Gym: Vermilion City Gym

Badge: Thunder Badge

Pokémon: Voltorb L.21, Pikachu L.18, Raichu L.24

Use: Strong water, ground or rock

Element: Electric

Items Recieved: TM24 Thunderbolt

This time, Squirtle will be good against the electric type pokémon. Bulbasaur won't be that bad either. Charmander is okay, but whoever you use, make sure you have a lot of paralyze heals because of the electrifying attacks. Flying type pokémon will have a harder time because electric is strong against flying. Electric, grass and dragon types are the way to go.

Name: Erika

Gym: Celadon City Gym

Badge: Rainbow Badge

Pokémon: Victreebell L.29, Tangela L.24, Vileplume L.29

Element: Grass/Plant

Items Recieved: TM21 Mega Drain

Now, if you started with charmander, this gym will be a piece of cake. His fire attacks will blow away those grass types. Squirtle will find it harder, because his water attacks aren't strong against plants. Bulbasaur is okay, because he's against other pokémon of his type. Water, ground and rock pokémon will be hard pressed against these plant pokémon, but fire, grass, poison, bug, flying and dragon types are really good.

Name: Sabrina

Gym: Saffron City Gym

Badge: Marsh Badge

Pokémon: Kadabra L.38, Mr. Mime L.37, Venomoth L.38, Alakazam L.43

Element: Psychic

Items Recieved: TM46 Psywave

Just about the only good pokémon against psychic type is other psychic type! So long as you don't use fighting or poison types, you should do fine. Sabrina is almost the hardest leader to beat!

Name: Koga

Gym: Fuschia City Gym

Badge: Soul Badge

Pokémon: Koffing L.37, Muk L.39, Koffing L.37, Weezing L.43

Element: Poison

Items Recieved: TM06 Toxic

When you fight Koga, be sure to have lots of Antidotes handy, as his poison type pokémon will poison your pokémon! Other poison types, ground types, rock types or ghost types will be most effective against him. Don't use grass or bug types, but anything else with enough levels should be fine.

Name: Blaine

Gym: Cinnabar Island Gym

Badge: Volcano Badge

Pokémon: Growlithe L.42, Ponyta L.40, Rapidash L.42, Arcanine L.47

Element: Fire

Items Recieved: TM38 Fire Blast

If you started with Squirtle, he will be having the time of his life (as Blastoise, of course) beating up these fire pokémon. Fire, water, rock and dragon are the best types to use against these fiery pokémon. Grass, ice and bug are vulnerable to the fire attacks, so don't use them. Have lots of Burn Heals, just in case.

Name: Giovanni

Gym: Viridian City Gym

Badge: Earth Badge

Pokémon: Rhyhorn L.45, Dugtrio L.42, Nidoqueen L.43, Nidoking L.45, Rhydon L.50

Element: Ground

Items Recieved: TM27 Fissure

Grass and bug type pokémon will really come in handy against these ground types. Flying, fire, poison and rock types aren't very good, though. Once you beat Giovanni, you can go on to Victory Road and Indigo Plateau.

Elite 4 and Gary
