Scott Robinson
Full Name: Scott James Tim Robinson
Birthdate: November 22, 1979
Birthplace: Basildon, England
Previous Residence: Essex
Current Residence: Surrey
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 130 lbs
Chest: 35"
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Blue
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Family: Mum and Dad, two sisters Hayley and
Nicknames: Spider (his long legs) and
Curtains (his old haircut with long hair
and a parting in the middle)
Best Mate/Friend: Scott Walsh
Hobbies: Basketball, Video games, skating, music
Worst Habit: Biting his toenails
Dream Girl: Alicia Silverstone and Gwen Stefani
First Girlfriend: Amy
Underwear: Calvin Klein Medium boxer shorts
Wildest fantasy: To be stranded on a desert island with four women he'd be in
love with
Music: 80's pop
Snogging technique:"... you start pecking them on the lips, then you move
slowly into a snog, then pull back and kiss their neck,
I like that."
Guardian Angel:
His grandmother "My gran died when I was about two and
she's always been looking down on me. She's
my guardian angel."
Best Quality: He's easy to talk to
Heroes: Michael Knight from Knight Riders and
his Dad
Most embarrassing moment: "Anytime my hair
isn't up to scratch."
Sleepwear: Boxer shorts
Distinguishing features: Appendix scar
Injuries: Broken fingers, broken thumb
Lucky charms: Mum and Dad, his bracelet
Sport: Basketball
Place: Florida
Part of his body: His hair
Spice Girl: Mel B (Scary Spice)
Single from '97: Natalie Imbruglia
Cologne: King of Shaves
Perfume on a lady: Addiction and CKbe
Actor: Michael J. Fox
5ive Song: Satisfied
Song: Barbie Girl by Aqua
Word: Fish
Sleeping position: "I sort of cuddle the pillow underneath me - it's comforting!"
Sight: Women
Smell: Perfume on a lady
Least fave smell: Coconut, B.O.
Least Fave part of his body: His hairy legs
Least fave school subject: Maths
Scott was dyslexic when he was younger and didn't find out until he went to
stage school and his teacher noticed. To hide his embarrassment Scott
pretended he didn't want to learn and mucked about all the time in class.
When he was given an IQ test, they found that it was quite low for his age.
Scott's best mate Scott apparently looks like Nick Carter of the Backstreet
Boys, and they call themselves Scott 'n' Scott.
His other friend Nicky Monk looks like Abs.
He's a very fussy eater. He only eats pizza, cheese, beans,
burgers, and chips.
Scott has said he likes cute blonde girls with blue eyes,
but now he sayz he likes cute brunettes with greeney-
brown eyes.
If he wasn't getting enough attention when he was
younger, Scott would headbutt walls and hold his
breath 'til he turned blue.
Scott wants to get married and have kids when he's 22, or 24, and he's going
to have two little girls, Remy and Courtney, and a little boy called Jordan.
It only takes him 10 minutes to do his hair
because he sleeps with his spikes on and
just has to redo the sides in the morning.
Scott sulks if he doesn't get his own way.
He sayz rude thoughts never stop entering his
"I'm sorry right, but they never stop entering my mind -
ever! It's constant. It can be anything. I'm sitting here
now and I'm thinking rude thoughts! It's very natural and
it's very healthy. I'm having rude thoughts about all you
fans out there - and loving it!"
When 5ive had a recording session in Sweden,
Scott's girlfriend broke up with him over
the phone. When Rich came over to comfort him Scott tried to him cos
he wanted to be alone. Because of this he's not on "Straight Up Funk."
Scott was so upset that he wanted to die and when they all did a bungee
jump he said to the guy "I don't care if the cord breaks when I jump."
"I messed up a whole recording session in Sweden because my girlfriend finished with
I phoned her and she was a bit off with me. I said, not
thinking, 'What's wrong with you - don't you wanna be with
me anymore?' and she went silent. I phoned her back later
and she told me she couldn't handle not seeing me and all
that, so I messed up the whole recording session. I was
crying all the time - I burst the blood vessels under my
eyes and I couldn't sing, so I'm not on one of the tracks
in the album."
He's been in love once, with his last girl.
Scott and Abs are the most romantic in 5ive.
They go home to their parents a lot.
They also have the worst rooms in the house they
live in with the rest of the band.
He's the first one to get up in the morning.
He won't put his hand on the bottom.
"Before we go on stage we all put our hands in the middle and go, 'Five, what you waiting four,
if you wanna three etc,' but I just can't have my hand on the bottom!"
Scott goes out without underwear all the time.
He can fall sleep anytime, anywhere he wants.
He loves kids and babysits a lot.
He travels very light.
Before he joined the band he had long hair to his shoulders. Then he had it
permed, because he played Curly in Peter Pan.
A man grabbed Scott around the neck.
"I used to go to this working man's club with my dad, and once I'd started being in a few
adverts the guy who owned it, who was about 45, though I was a bit up myself. One night I was
left in there on my own and he grabbed me round the neck 'til someone pulled him off! When I
got home I had all these marks on me, so my dad called the police, but they'd gone by the
time they got there. But the best thing is, he always reads the News of the World and
our first spread was in it, so I know he'll have seen it!"
Scott was always in trouble with the police in his area, and they all knew
him by name. If there was any trouble they would always go see him.
Scott gets on well with N-Tyce, All Saints, and Lene of Aqua.
He believes in
Scott began
singing when he
was 5.
According to the
other 5ive boys,
"At half past
three on the dot
every day, he
goes completely
Scott sayz his
friends and
family think
he's changing
because he's in
"It really worries
me that my friends
and family think I've changed because I'm in a band. I know I'm doing different things to most
of them, but it's the things around me that are changing, not me! I feel like I want to explain
to everyone that I'm the same - I know I'm never going to change as a person, I'm never going
to forget what it was like working on a building site or whatever. I don't think my
best mate Scott quite understands, though - I think he thinks I don't talk to him as much as
I used to. We used to go on all these walks and muck about together, or he'd come round
to play cards, and now he's like, 'Do you want a game of cards?" and I'm like, "Yeah, but only
one - I'm really tired and I've got to get up early for a photo shoot in the morning.' Or
I'll be talking to all my other mates 'cos I don't want them to think I've got no time for them,
or I'll want to spend time with my mum and dad - you know, sometimes I feel like
splitting myself into 970,000 pieces! But I just really want everyone to know I'm
still me, the same old Scott I was before the band ..."
Scott used to people, "I know I'll be famous."
He wishes he had nice handwriting like Abs.
He can't talk to people with bad hair.
"It may seem strange, but if someone hasn't brushed their hair, or
they have a really bad haircut I find it difficult to talk to them! I
can't keep up a conversation, I'm just thinking how awful their hair
He has a hairy bottom!
"The first thing I remember was getting a little snail trail - you
know, the bit under your belly button - when I was about 14. Have I got
a hairy bottom? That's a bit cheeky, ain't it? But since you ask, err
yes, actually I have!"
He loves kids and babysits a lot.
He travels very light.
He almost didn't go to the 5ive audition.
"I'd been out late the night before and didn't feel too hot in the morning, but my dad woke me
up and told me I had to go - especially as our managers were the ones who put Spice Girls
together. But I so didn't want to go, so, 'Thanks Dad, I owe ya!'"
Scott went to Sylvia Young Theatre School, along with Billie Piper, Mel and Nicky from All Saints, and Baby
Spice. When you're accepted it costs over £1,000 a term.
He says he saw a ghost on his 10th birthday, an old man with a beard.
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