He gets a rude thought about every 5 minutes. He has a scar on his lip from trying to beRitchie
Full Name: Richard Neville
Birthdate: August 23, 1979 Birthplace: Birmingham, England Current Residence: Camberley, Surrey, England Height: 5'9" Weight: 145 lbs Shoe Size: Nine Hair: Brown Eyes: Blue Zodiac Sign: Leo Family: Mum and Dad, older brother Dave (he's 27) and older sister Tracy Nicknames: Rich, Ritchie, Posh, Smiley Five Personality: Very soft, open, and emotional Hobbies: Clubbing, music Status: Single Shampoo: Pantene Underwear: Calvin Klein Cologne: Davidoff Cool Water Dream Girl: Michelle Pfeiffer, Cameron Diaz, Natalie Imbruglia Earliest memory: Crying about his parents getting divorced when he was 2 Hero: Batman Instrument: Guitar Biggest fear: Not meeting 'the one' Previous Jobs: Burger van, his mum's pub Most embarrassing moment: "When we did our recording session in Sweden I was a little worse for wear after a night out." Sleepwear: Boxer shorts Weakness: Girls Toast-topping: Baked beans Place he would like to live: Cape Town, South Africa
Insult: "Go away, you cretin." Perfume on a lady: Jean Paul Gaultier Smell: Strawberries Cartoons: Dungeons and Dragons Song: Linger by the Cranberries Sleeping Position: "I have one pillow for my head and one to hug. I lie face down hugging the pillow, with my leg up and over it was well." Music: Rock Bands: Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Bush Part of his body: Eyes Subject: Drama Hanson song: Mmmbop Least fave school subject: French Least fave Part of his body: Nose He wants to be known as Ritchie now, spelled with a 't' because "it's cooler that way." People say Rich looks 10 times better in person. If he had only a fiver left he would spend it on Cadbury's Boiled Sweets. He sings in the shower at the gym.
"I love singing in the showers at the gym! I'll be belting out a song without thinking about it, then I'll walk back to the changing rooms and everyone'll be like, 'Good voice, mate!'"
The first thing he looks at when he sees a girl is her face, legs, or bum. He knows he'll get divorced one day."I reckon I'll get married when I'm about 26, but I know without a doubt I'll end up getting divorced! I know what I'm like, I'll marry someone 'cos I fancy her like mad and think I'm in love, then realise I'm not after all and have to divorce her!"
Superman. He ran away from home when he was 16.
"When I was about 16 I had a huge argument with my mum and I was being really cheeky to her, and she slapped me round the face, so I legged it to my girlfriend's house who lived about 13 miles away! I didn't go home for a week! In the end her parents phoned my mum and told her where I was!"
He once went to a nudist beach when he was 12 on a school trip to south of France. His worst breakup was when he was 17 and his first love went to Greece and met someone else. He changes his underwear every day. His first kiss was when he was 11 at the cricket pavillion."Everyone used to go there to snog - there'd usually be eight or nine couples lined up!"