Katie's Page

Hi everyone. You've reached my page. This page is a combination of my experiences and interests and is mainly a combination of links as a reference for friends.

I am currently pursuing a music minor, so music is a big part of my life. This page has links to some of my favorite performers.

Believe it or not, I am currently a math major! Links to some math sites and topics

One of my hobbies is writing. I'll post some writing of mine on this site, but it will probably be papers from classes, given that my free time is extremely limited.

I love to read. This site is a compilation of some of my favorite books and authors. Some links, but mainly just a booklist. 

I love plays, but especially muscials. See what I like and what I've seen. 

My relatives are from Canada and I go there every year. Learn more about the country to our North.


From The Frontiersman
I lived in Alaska for ten years, and can't get it out of my blood. I'm not sure exactly what I'll put on this site, but something will be there.

My Misc.
Everything that couldn't fit in the previous categories.

Wow, this hasn't been changed in a long time. Maybe someday I will update it.

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