Artie's Home Page
Welcome my people!!!! Well this is my second web page. My other one completely sucks so I'm gonna use this one instead.If you happened to see the other one forget it completely!!! Well sit back relax and enjoy the wonder that is.....My Place.
First of all I gotta give shout outs to all my ppl.
Click on the smilies to go there.
And if you know me, you know that I'm going to have tons o' Buffy pictures.
Just click on the slayer.
And oh yeah we must not forget the phatest anime of all time.........
You've guessed it. This is a new place.It's got some funny quotes.
This is where I'm keeping my links. So go there...or else.
Click here if you have a slow connection.
OK now here's some stuff 'bout me:
Born May 23, 1981 in Leominster, MA....Since you never gave me anything for my past 18 B-days I will be accepting check, cash, or money orders. Sorry no C.O.D.'s.
Lived in MA for about 11 years.
Moved to Bridgeport, CT in 1992, and have lived here for like 6 years... (sickly enough it grew on me).
I am known as Artie AKA Milton AKA Dr. Artie AKA RT AKA the Supreme Master of Stuff.
I just graduated from Central Magnet High School.......'99 kid!!!!! And I'm going to go to Trinity College in the fall.