Highlander: Endgame Links


It's much better than Cats. Go see it again and again.*

*See Rumors and Innuendos.


In Movie Theaters:

Uh, HIGHLANDER: ENDGAME is playing in theaters NOW. Weren't you reading the big obnoxious headline?

On Television:

Adrian was be on Politically Incorrect on your local ABC affiliate on September 7 at 12:05 ET/PST.

In Print:

Just Added!

Adrian's interview with People magazine has been cancelled! Letters may (and should) be sent to: Larry Hackett at People Magazine, Time Life Building, 31st Floor, New York, NY 10020-1393 or larry_hackett@peoplemag.com.

The next three issues of Impact magazine will be featuring Highlander-related articles, including a profile of and interview with Adrian Paul by BJ. AJM (I believe that's John Mosby), one of the authors of the material says: "Let me say for the record that by the time you finish reading the third issue, many of your questions and theories will have been answered - one way or another."(more information in the Print section below)

Adrian will be featured in the October issue of Starlog. It has a picture of Kevin Sorbo and Andromeda on the front.

Endgame is the cover story in the September issue of Xpose', which can be found at your local Borders bookstore. Drool-fest!

On The Web:

There are currently no upcoming events online. However, the Official ENDGAME site has only very recently been activated, so I'll count it as news.

Vital Statistics:

For it's opening weekend, ENDGAME made approximately $6.4 million.


In Theaters


Before the movie opened, there were some great movie trailers. Links to those trailers can now be found in the On The Web section, as can stills from the trailers.

On Television

Coming Up!

Adrian was on Politically Incorrect on your local ABC affiliate on September 7 at 12:05 ET/PST.

From the Archives

Adrian was on the September 1 episode of CBS Early Morning.

Entertainment Tonight was at the Smackdown! taping. They were supposed to air a feature on it on August 23. We're still waiting. (This is also in the Rumor and Innuendo section.)

Fox Celebrity Spotlight ran an interview with the stars over opening weekend: Saturday, Sept. 2 at 2 pm, and Sunday, Sept. 3 at 1 am and 2 pm EST. Click here to see the e-mail sent to fans by Celebrity Spotlight.

They also did a feature on the movie in their "Coming Distractions" segment on August 26 at 2 pm and 27 at 1 am EST.

Celebrity Spotlight airs on the Fox News Channel (FNC). Click here to find out which channels carry FNC in your area.

On August 24, WWF Superstars (USA Network at 10 am ET/PST) did a feature with Edge and the movie.

On Sunday, August 13, the stars of the movie appeared on USA Network's WWF program. It was not a repeat of that week's Smackdown!.

Adrian Paul appeared on recent episode of "Regis Live!" Friday, August 11.

Adrian Paul, Christopher Lambert, and Lisa Barbuscia were on WWF Smackdown! on Thursday, August 10, at 8pm (7C)UPN. A link to a rundown of this episode can be found in the section on the web.

E! Entertainment Network (the people who bring you "Talk Soup") featured the trailer on Coming Attractions. It was the third trailer into the show, and the first after the first commercial break.

In Print

People Magazine interview cancelled!

According to the PEACE-APFC website, "Adrian spent an entire day answering the interviewer's questions and holding a wonderful photoshoot specifically for a spread in People Magazine. It is with great disappointment that we relay that Larry Hackett, the East Coast editor of People Magazine, has cancelled Adrian's interview. It will not appear in their publication. If you would like to express your feelings over this decision, Mr. Hackett may be reached at People Magazine, Time Life Building, 31st Floor, New York, NY 10020-1393 or larry_hackett@peoplemag.com."

Coming Up!

The next three issues of Impact magazine will be featuring Highlander-related articles, including a profile of and interview with Adrian Paul by BJ. The first issue, Number 106, will be out early next week (Week of October 3). AJM (I believe that's John Mosby), one of the authors of the material says: "Let me say for the record that by the time you finish reading the third issue, many of your questions and theories will have been answered - one way or another."

Endgame is the cover story in the September issue of Xpose', which can be found at your local Borders bookstore.

Adrian Paul gave interviews to and sat for photos for US and People magazines. US Weekly hit newsstands on September 8. People should be out on the 15th.

Adrian will be featured in the October issue of Starlog. It has a picture of Kevin Sorbo and Andromeda on the front.

From the Archives

Adrian appeared in the August 21 issue of the L.A. Daily Times' L.A. Life section. Stay tuned for a copy.

On The Web

Coming Up!

There are no upcoming events on the web.

Current Sites

The Official ENDGAME site is up and running and BEAUTIFUL. Check it out!

The Trailers

These are the movie trailers that played in theaters and on the web:

The first trailer, which played in theaters before "Scary Movie" and in some theaters before "X-Men." This file may take a long time to download, though, so be patient.

The second trailer, which may or may not have been seen in theaters.

The third and final trailer.

Screencaps and wallpaper from all three trailers

Leslie Currie's VERY cool Trailer montage hits all the highlights from the first trailer.

Screen captures from the second trailer.

More screen caps! From shelbels. Click on the thumbnail to go to the full-size picture.

A VERRRRRRRRRRRRY nice shockwave site, featuring Aaaaaaaaaaadrian and his fabulous forearms. Yum.

Group Screenings!

In certain cities, the Forumlanders watched the premiere together. Stay tuned for links to the post-party sites.

Highlander Fan Central has a great Endgame page featuring an interview with Swordmaster F. Braun McAsh.

WWF pictures. Yes, that's right, "Edge" from the World Wrestling Federation has a small part in the movie. Here are the pics from WWF site.

Tina Yee's Highlander IV page She has a lot of links to other sites, including interviews, etc.


The Official Website of Adrian Paul

Deb's page of current Christopher Lambert news. Part of her Christopher Lambert site.

Filmbug's Christopher Lambert jump page.

Open Directory's Christopher Lambert site.

Christopher Lambert's Celebrity Village site.

ThePeter Wingfield fans at wingfieldfans.org, (you know, that guy who plays Methos, who's in a grand total of two scenes {or so}), have various bits and pieces about the movie with a Wingfieldian slant.

A scan of the Movie Poster. This is from a Christopher Lambert site, and there's a lot of glare over Adrian.

From the Archives


Scifi.com hosted a chat with Adrian Paul on Thursday, August 31.

TV Guide Online and AOL also hosted a chat with Adrian Paul on Thursday, August 31. Here is a transcript of that chat.

MSN.com hosted a chat with Adrian Paul on Wednesday, August 30. Here is a transcript of that chat.

There was a live chat with Adrian Paul on Yahoo on August 24. http://chat.yahoo.com/c/events/info/2000/08/24/082400paul.html. Here is a transcript of that chat.

Here is a rundown of the August 10th episode of WWF Smackdown, where Adrian Paul, Christopher Lambert, and Lisa Barbuscia appeared, so you know what happened.

Here is a note from Peter Davis and Bill Panzer written well before the movie came out.

This is from the Official Highlander Site. Go buy something.

The PEACE/Adrian Paul fan club sitewas hosting a new picture (and caption from Aaaaaaaaaadrian)every day before the movie opened.

If this link doesn't work for you, go to the PEACE/APFC jump page and click on the corresponding link.

Coming Attractions' (Not E!'s) preview site.

Cinescape's preview site.

Notes from Upcomingmovies.com This was written by a non-Highlander fan, but it's still good stuff.

I hesitate to even put this one on, as it's the Bad Movie News, but the article itself is not without its merits, as much as it pains me to say

Rumors and Innuendos!

Rumor has it that the film needs to make $7 million over a weekend to be carried over to the next week.

Further rumors hint that if ENDGAME does well enough, there may be more movies focusing on Duncan (and hopefully featuring larger roles for, say Jim Byrnes and Peter Wingfield). Go here to check out continuity errors in the film, a brief report about what the Directors' Cut allegedly features, and things you may have missed. WARNING! This page contains spoilers, so don't go there unless you've seen the film or want to know what happens.

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