
If you have a poem that you would like to share with everyone, e-mail me!
Dominique is One!	
Olympic Medal Winner
Making quite a name for herself
Intrested in going for 2000
Never without a smile
Ideal for the all-around winner
Quit is not in her vocabulary
Up, up, and away to the Gold medal
Energetic forever

Making history at Nationals
Open-hearted is how many people describe her
Cheery.....never without a smile
Exceedingly kind and generous
America's Angel
Nique-2000 for sure
Unique in her own way!

Made by: Lila

Goodwill Champ	
Dedicated to the USA's best gymnast, Dominique Moceanu!

The 1998 Goodwill Games
Brought one small girl a lot of fame.
Her name is Dominique Moceanu,
Heard of her... now haven't you?
She was a star of the '96 Games,
The rough times hit when '97 came.
Some thought of her as an afterthought,
But those real hard times she fought and fought.
With Luminita by her side,
She took the world, open-eyed.
Her bar routine stunned us all,
And the judges made some very good calls.
Next was one of her personal best,
The balance beam continued her quest.
And the floor exercise, her specialty,
She was in line for gold, most definitely.
The last rotation, two powerful vaults,
Excitement to the crowd is what she brought.
The tears filled up in Dominique's eyes,
On that 19th warm night of July.
Her 1st major all-around gold medal right there,
Luminita looks toward her gymnast she prepared.
Tears stream down Dominique's sweet face,
Knowing the gold is at the right place.
Around her neck it shines so brightly,
In her possession ever so rightly.
Domi's emotions just keep pouring out,
Her happiness shows, there is no doubt.
Dominique Moceanu is back for good,
It could not be misunderstood.
Once again, among the World names,
She's the 98 Champ of the Goodwill Games.

-Angela Smith- 1998 luck930@hotmail.com

The Heart of a champion

The heart of a champion,
The face of an angel.
Might be said : " no one will have these capabilities "
And only God, can make a being so vivacious.

But, there is but, one.
Her name, is well known through out.
  we call her " America' s Sweetheart"
How dare we call her this, profound name.

She has more animation, in one finger; than
  life in the hand.
Even with the bitter sweetness of life,
There is but one, of whom is optimistic
And, goes against all odds.

"Her name is Dominique Moceanu"
How dare we call her " America' s Sweetheart"
But, instead a Goddess, an "American goddess"     

Jesse Vera age 17  c/o 99

Dominique Moceanu, it seems
Was designed just to balance on beams
Although Dominique
Is slight of physique
She looms very large in my dreams.


Valentines day is full of love
Arrows fly in the air 
Love is everywhere
Evenings are spent with loved ones

No one is alone
telling people how you fell
I like you, I respect you and I really look up to and I love you
No one is sad
Everyone is happy
Smoches are galore
Dozens of roses
A candel light dinner,
Yet, like all good thing this day is over


Dominique Moceanu You are the best. When you do your floor routine, You put the judges to the test. You make them work Hard for their pay. Cause when your out there You look like you play. Now your one year older And more mature. Now the Olympics are over, And you seem more sure. You know exactly what to do When you are in trouble. You are so unique, That there is no double. So happy birthday Dominique. I hope it is a great one. While training at the gym, I hope you have some fun! Tracey Yotz (barbie1982@yahoo.com)

To Dominique With Love I sit in awe as I watch you perform, Your moves and techniques are far from the norm. I love the way that you smile on the floor, When your routine is done, I'm left yearning for more. Unparallel is your grace on the beam, Again I'm amazed by how calm that you seem. Cute as a button, small and petite, A bundle of joy, that's you Dominique. You're a ray of sunshine on an otherwise cloudy day, To meet you in person, any price I would pay. Your eyes are enchanting, your face oh, so sweet, Seeing you perform is the ultimate treat. Your attitude is unlike any other on earth, So happy and skilled, you were destined from birth. With immeasurable talent, and a style so unique, You're a ten in my eyes, yes you are Dominique. I think you're a champion even when you don't win, "Cause when I see you do your thing I can't help but grin. I admire your skill and your beauty as well, You have fun competing, it's so easy to tell. I watch you on TV whenever I can, I guess you could say I'm your number one fan. I think of you every single day of the week, The most beautiful girl in the world: Dominique. With a face like yours, it's hard to deny, You're attractive to practically every guy. Your talent is grand and your courage is bold, But it's your personality that brings home the gold. When I'm feeling depressed or I have a bad day, I take one look at you and the pain goes away. May you fulfill each and every dream that you seek, I'm with you all the way, I love you Dominique! By DougyD (Dougy_D@webtv.net)

The Perfect 10 Flying gracefully through the air, Doing flips on the beam. She knows they all care, She wants to help her team. She gets ready to end, The dismount, she sticks it! She looks at her team, And she knows she did it. She goes and sits down, And waits for her score. Nobody's wearing a frown, While the crowd screams "More!" Here come the scores, Yes! It's a perfect 10! She has no more chores, She's the best by far! She runs off the floor, Her team meets her there! Like running through a door, Flying up above, is her perfect hair. She looks in the stands, Her parents are proud! She met her own demands, It's like she's floating on a cloud. Domi worked hard for this day, And now it has come. She has nothing to say, Because now, she has won By Ryan Sanders (ILuuvDomiM@aol.com)

Domi Dominque, in your cute red uniform You wait until your turn to perform You flash a smile at the crowd Boy they're getting loud and loud! You walk onto the floor execise The music you pick is always wise You go into your starting position Thinking about peoples expectations But don't let that get to you Just think about making it through The music begins and your adrenalen is going Boy the crowd is yelling and roaring You begin to light up the room with your dance You jump, you twist, twiddle, and prance You make your way to the corner very fast Now it's time for your first tumbling pass You take a deep breath and you begin A perfect landing! Gee you want to win! Then you go on with your little dance moves Swinging and flipping to the song "Footloose" You make your way to the corner of the mat once more Your run and run you flip on the floor You stick the landing and finish your routine You get a good score and the crown begins to scream Way to go Domi, everyone just luvs you You smile and you're glad you made it through By Lisa & Christina

Dominique Dominique Moceanu a gymnast So graceful and bold At that night in Atlanta Nearly 14 years old She came in the arena, heard all the cheers At that very moment she had no fears She would stand her ground Try to ignore all the sound On the floor how she'd soar as she heard the crowd roar Now she knew she was good Before she had a thought But now she knew she was good by the reaction she got Now came vault Now she couldn't fault But gymnastics takes over The wild sport that it is She knew she could do it She had it in her head But gymnastics took over as I already said And as she landed out from out from under her, her feet slid She was so shocked at what she just did That she did it again and her heart filled with tears This poor young gymnast that had no fears But she got her reward and won the gold Because of her attitude so poised and so neat Thats what I believe at least so thanks Dominique! Meghan Freeman (Megcan@aol.com)

Domi Domi. She flips and turns and smiles and struts. Whoa that girl has got some guts. Flying on the uneven bars. Fliping over the vaulting horse,jumping, turning and doing flips on the 4-inch wide beam. So easy and awesome she makes it seem. And then comes floor and shes all smiles! You'd think it go away after awile. But that smile it shines and shines so bright-I am convinced that it could light up the darkest of nights. No one else but Dominique has a that smile=a smile so sweet. Dominique Moceanu=a gymnast,a champion,a heroine,an idol. Domi. Danielle Wright (dwright@auburn.campus.mci.net)

D-O-M-I-N-I-Q-U-E M - ezmerizing O - n her toes C - hampion E - veryone luvs her A - merica's Sweetheart N - ice to watch U - gly (NOT! gotcha!) Written by Joyceln (age 10) ( j66@infoweb.com )

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