
If you have met Dominique, e-mail me w/ your story!

"Domi called me!!" Dominique phoned me!! I was so surprised! Anyway, just recently I sent her a giant stuffed polar bear that I had won for her at local carnival. It was SO BIG we had to package it up in an old TV box and it wouldn't go through the door. Along with the bear, I just wrote a brief note that if she ever recieves it, to please give me a call (I live close by her new gym) or write back. So a few weeks later my mom yells at me to pick up the phone.. she said it was Dominique, and I ran for the phone. We didn't talk for long because she was really busy and just called to say thank you.. all i said was "yeah... yes... oh.. ok..." I feel so dumb now! I could have said more... Oh well it was still cool. Kate Marie S.

"I talked to Domi on the phone!!" Well I didn't really meet her, but Domi talked to me. I got a hold of her phone number from a friend and called her in the evening. Her mom picked up and I asked for Dominique. She was really nice and said "Hold on a minute". Then the sweetest voice came on the line and said "Hello?". I was really shocked that it was her and my mind went blank.. so I stayed silent. "Hello?" she said once more.. and I said "Dominique... I really admire you, I think you're the best gymnast in the world, I have over 100 pictures of you in a scrapbook..etc.. blah, blah blah...." and I just WENT ON... She said thanks and then I just told her that she's probably really busy and I'll let her go and then I wished her luck for Sydney. That was it! It was only about a 5 minute conversation.. and I still can't believe I just blurted everything out, but atleast I got to speak with her!! Rene

"Hey Dominique!!" It was last year and I got tickets for the tour. I was so excited. All I could think about was Domi. As soon as we got to the arena I raced in and went down to floor. There was a bunch of girls taking snapshots and everything. Domi was warming up on beam with Dominique Dawes. Jaycie and Amanda were warming up on bars with Amy Chow. Shannon was on the floor which was right in front of me with Steve Nunno. I yelled to her and she looked over and waved. I had my camera ready and everything. Then I saw John Macready on the high bar. He got down and came over to where I was standing. He started talking to me. He had his video camera. He asked me how I liked the tour and I yelled it's great. Then he left and started warming up on high bar again. Then I saw Domi, Amanda, Shannon, Jaycie, and Amy come to floor. I yelled my head off for Domi finally she turned around and said "hello". I couldn't believe it. Then, I kept yelling her name finally she turned around again and said to me " I can't talk to you right now because I have to warm up." I said ok. My heart was broken , but at least she talked to me and that was all I needed to make me happy. I did although get a great pic of her looking right at me. "Wow" what an experience I had had that night. Ashley R. moceanumania@juno.com

"Later, Okay?" Hi! My name is Jenny and I want to share with you my experience from the John Hancock Tour! It was great! My mom, me and her friend Missy, went on January 31st, 1997 in Talhasse, Florida! It took a little while to get there but it was worth it! I packed up with about 4 rolls of film (later I found out I really should have brought more!), my dads good camera, and my mom brought her dinky camera you know. I also brought my Mag 7 book, but they couldn't sign of course! We had some seats in the pull outs seats on the floor! I thought they would suck but they were great!

Well, we drove down there and on the way I wasn't THAT excited....just a little..then as we were approaching the doors (NOTE: We were the very first ones there..the doors weren't even open yet!) I started getting hyper! I mean really hyper! I was all over the windows looking at the souvineirs! It had noseprints all over it! I planned what I was going to buy! A poster, a program, and two tees! Well, then everyone started coming so we got in line! As the doors were opening I was excited! I pushed in and I went with my mom to the stand to buy the things! Missy had gone into the arena..I wasn't sure they would be out there, but they were! I WAS LIKE OH MY GOD! I was crying! I saw them and I was all nervous and scared..I wanted to get closer! I mean these guys were my idols! I grabbed my camera and went down the stairs! I took out my dads good camera and took great shots..unfortunately those good pics were on the film that later BROKE!! Still I got good ones and so did my mom! Over 50 I think!
Well, we went to our seats and I had one right by the dressing room! Earlier I had called to Dominique Moceanu to come and get a letter I had written her! She told me, "Later ok"? I said ok. Well, then I saw her coming towards the rooms so I said Dominique? She came over and said Thank you! I mean she was 3 feet away!! AHHH! Then I said Hi to Shannon and Amy! It was awesome!
During the show..everyone clapped so loud and we were the loudest section! I mean we had me my mom and missy! Also there were about 3 boys behind us who really liked Dominique so they yelled DOMINIQUE really loud the whole time! The said hi to all the girls except Amanda, they missed her!
All in all the show was more than great great great! It was GREAT!!!! I am going back in September hopefully! I loved it and I will never forget it!

Jenny's Awesome Gymnastics Page
Jenny's World: A great Place For Teen's

I Met Domi + the Mag 7!!
Well it was at the 1996 John Hancock tour of Gymnastics in St. Louis, Missouri (close to where I live)!!! I watched the whole performance and my whole gymnastics team had back stage passes! So we went back stage to meet them and waited for 30 min before they let us in (it seemed like forever)!! I went directly to Domi and got pictures, autographs and a hug from her. Then I got to meet the rest of the team and got autographs and pictures too! It was the coolest thing that has ever happened to me and I will never forget it!!! Lisa

I Met DM's Uncle!
I know that this section is based on stories of others actually meeting Nique, but I though it would be cool to talk about my friends and I meeting her uncle!! (Note: This happened a while ago, I just forgot to post it) Nique's Uncle is a part-time supply teacher (I think) and he came to our school to teach! Anyway I was walking into drama class and someone told me he was Nique's uncle, at first I thought, "it can't be.. what's he doing in Canada?", but I thought it would be cool to ask him..and he did look Romanian. So my friend Waseem and I ran to him and poped the question. Lisa (Me) & Waseem - "ARE YOU DOMINIQUE MOCEANU'S UNCLE??????" He says - "Yes, I just talked to her last week" Lisa - "So did you go see the Olympic games?" He replies - "No. they asked me to go, but I thought it would be too stressful" Lisa - "Did you watch the 1995 Nationals?" He says- "Yes. I was there.. she was good.. but she had no name yet.. I mean she was a nobody then, before, the judges gave her low scores like 9.1, 9.2. That Shannon Miller fell from the beam, if she hadn't fallen, she (Domi) wouldn't have won." :( Waseem - "I'm a huge fan.. I even collect pictures and stuff of her" He replies- "Oh yes.. she was on the cover of a kids sports magazine" Waseem - "If I give you a picture from my locker can you give it to her for it to be signed?" He says - "Maybe" At that point, we ran to our lockers, grabbed a picture of her, and ran back. To prove that he was her uncle, Waseem had a picture of Nique's parents and we showed him it and asked who they were. First we covered up Camelia and Nique and asked who the guy was (Nique's dad). Waseem - "Okay, who's this?" He says - "Dimitru!" Lisa - "Cool!! So are you Dimitru's brother?" He replies- "No" Lisa - "So Camelia is your sister!" ***Note I prononced it -CA-MEE-LEE-AH-*** He says - "Yes she is.. but her name is prononced Camelia "( CA-MEH-LEAH ) Lisa - "oh whoops! So when can you give this (the picture) to her?" He replies - "I don't know if I can, I don't see her too often, so you keep it yourself" Waseem - "okay" That's all I remember but I'm pretty sure he was her uncle... either that, or he's an older crazed fan that knows everything about her just like me!!! I hope you enjoyed my little experience!! :) Lisa iluvnique@yahoo.com

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